I'd just say VDI is very particular to how you implement it and the type of workloads you run on it can change the requirements drastically. One bad experience does not make them all bad. I haven't tried a surface on VDI, maybe if I get ambitious ill give it a go. I know when the company I worked for implemented VDI way back when it was atrocious and they threw it in my lap to fix (or maybe they were hoping Id fail), long story short I changed nearly everything, and when I left it was running good but that was a long time ago.
See also
Mobile and touch screen devices | Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 2112
Citrix supports touchscreen, tablet mode, pen ink but not in all clients. i.e. All depends on how you implement it.
So the VDI vendor will make a difference as well ... VMWare, etc.
If you're not doing VDI with Citrix you're doing it wrong in my experience. Yes, I made VMWare work because I had to but it was a lot more difficult and required some 3rd party addons to make it fly. Note: Our main users were in the Philippines and India with over 300ms latency using heavy developer aps and in the end it still worked pretty damn good. It just would have been better with Citrix.