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Usb moniter


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Just seen an aoc usb led display that gets all its data and power just from the usb port. Does anyone know if the sp3 put out enough juice on its jab port to power one of these (we don't have 2 usb ports so short of a powered hub, it wouldn't work, and for travel, a usb hub would not prove convenient). If it did work, it would be a fantastic companion. Especially as it can be had for just 80 dollars right now (even has a dual orientation kickstand and automatic orientation switching!)
As in a rechargeable job?

Ideally this would not be the situation, as it's just one more Thing in the bag and bit of clutter on the desk etc
As in a rechargeable job?

Ideally this would not be the situation, as it's just one more Thing in the bag and bit of clutter on the desk etc
My guess is that your can find a battery bank to connect the Power USB hub if you look around.
I've already an ianker astro pro 2, but I'm just looking at it from a convenience point of view. But maybe you could just ductape one of these phone battery packs to the back. Who knows. Going to look I to it. Would prove awesome for pdf textbooks instead of cramping up an already small screen
Just curious, where did you see it for $80.00?

I just checked AOC's website and they show three models: two 16" models at 1366 x 768 resolution, and a 17" model with 1600 x 900 resolution. The two 16" models differ in their connection type. The original model is a USB 2.0 device, which they are probably starting to clear out of inventory, thus the low price that you're seeing; and the new "improved" model , which is USB 3.0. The newer, USB 3.0 model appears to be selling for $130.00. The 17" model doesn't appear to be available just yet, but is also a USB 3.0 device.

I was hoping to find the amount of current they draw, but it wasn't listed in the Tech Specs. As the SP3 is known to have issues with supplying enough current to drive USB-powered CD/DVD/BluRay drives, I'd be sure to pick a vendor with a good return policy, just in case it doesn't work with the SP3.

Please let us know if you get one what it's like.
If you are talking about the AOC E1649FWU which is around $90 through Amazon right now, unfortunately one of the guys here just tried it with his SP3 i5 right now and it was a no go. We actually have a couple of the above monitors in our office (were going to use them for Techs to keep in their cars for offices with headless servers but you need to load the drivers for them to work before using them). Would have been pretty cool if it worked though!

It loaded the drivers but kept flashing back and forth / flickering as if it was being repeatedly connected/disconnected. My guess was it just was not getting enough power. We don't have any dual USB cords handy to try with a battery pack. I would guess it might work as it seems there is *almost* enough juice from the SP3 alone, just needs a little help.

I am still deciding between the i5 and i7 (probably the i5) and will test further on my own machine when I make a decision (probably the next couple days) and pick one up.
Thanks for the feedback guys. It was as you say, a limited clearance sale, but was more interested just in general. Can't really afford the sp3 as it is ;-) still sounds like something could be worked out. I'll be a full time student again next month, first time in 8 years, and this is an expensive device, London is a stupid expensive city to rent a flat, and I know how much money I could save simply by buying ebooks instead if hardcopy textbooks. Just figured it would be brilliant as a resource screen.

Maybe sine clever cloggs will decode the pins of the powder connector, and create a slim magnetic strip that goes up the side of the tablet with a USB port on of, or say a second display port. Basically an ultraportable port extender, the ports the dock gets to have. Wou,d need to be much stronger magnets though.