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Universal Search in Windows 8.1 - a step back


Who else doesn't like the new universal search function?

I like how you could search within apps before right from the start screen. I like the new way Bing presents the results but I would still prefer being able to choose which app to use to search. Now its only giving you the option of everywhere, settings, files, images and videos.
Sent from my Windows 8 device using Board Express Pro
I agree it is a little much sometimes when looking for something specific, but when you swipe to charms or get to search any other way keyboard etc put in your search than before entering hit the arrow next to search and pick where to search from to limit. the other option is to turn off BING results from search thru the charms settings menu - search&app. whoopps just reread your post don't know how I missed your last sentence-- still first cup of coffee....
Bing is now a platform, which means it has its own API. When an application registers with Bing Search, like Internet Explorer, which you missed in your list, then you can search via that app.
I like the concept and I guess it will get better as it evolves. Question how do you quickly search thru the people app when you have 1000's of contacts. Not sure if I am missing something but I can not get 8.1 to search for people.
Open the People app, and it doesn't matter if it's current (vertical bar beside it in the gutter) or not, but when you open up Charms and do a search, you will see People in the search option.
yep you are correct. Now I have to agree with the OP - I liked it also when we could search the people app or anything else with out having to be in the app. but I still like where MS is going with the new search funct.
To each his own but I prefer this over having a long list of applications, and selecting from there. This new implementation is more in-context.
I liked in 8.0 how, with an app opened, you could run a search pertaining to that app specifically.

I think I found a way to do so yesterday, but its not as intuitive. It was better with general search from the metro screen, and app specific search from app screens. A dropdown option for app specific search from the search area (on top of everywhere, settings, files, local, web) would fix the problem.