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Unexpected shutdown while in sleep mode overnight


Another issue, overnight I left the SB plugged in sleep mode and today in the morning I noticed that the SB had rebooted from a cold start, that means instead of staying in sleep mode or go into hibernation mode overnight, the SB unexpectedly shutdown, I confirmed this by checking the logs at the Event Viewer, is this another know issue?
I think the SB still requires a lot of tuning at the SW and probably HW level, to make it a reliable and stable platform.

It's a great device and I like it a lot, but to me it's green, not ready for prime time, I cannot afford all the number of unexpected issues on my main working device, I need something more reliable, I might have to accept a trade off in functionality and capabilities for stability and predictability.
Another issue, overnight I left the SB plugged in sleep mode and today in the morning I noticed that the SB had rebooted from a cold start, that means instead of staying in sleep mode or go into hibernation mode overnight, the SB unexpectedly shutdown, I confirmed this by checking the logs at the Event Viewer, is this another know issue?
Right Click on your battery icon on the taskbar and choose "Power Options" from the drop down menu. On your right hand side click on the blue link that says "Change plan settings". After this click on "Change advanced power settings". Expand the "Sleep" drop down menu and make sure Hibernate after is set to Never for both On battery and Plugged in.

If you haven't done this already that should fix your sleeping woes.
Thanks for the feedback, the problem is that with no Hibernation the SB will run out of battery overnight in Sleep mode, and I cannot shut it down every night because I have open documents and files that I use on a daily basis, I was compensating the battery drain issue while on sleep mode by setting hibernation after 2 hours in sleep mode.
Thanks for the feedback, the problem is that with no Hibernation the SB will run out of battery overnight in Sleep mode, and I cannot shut it down every night because I have open documents and files that I use on a daily basis, I was compensating the battery drain issue while on sleep mode by setting hibernation after 2 hours in sleep mode.
Have you done the DSIM sfc scannow fix?! It specifically address the battery sleeping drain issue.

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No I haven't please could you share the instructions or link to them? thanks
Look at the second post in the link I provided in the post you just quoted. You must do everything that is mentioned in the second post however; at the very end before you restart you "MUST" re-run the "sfc /scannow" command one more time for the fix to be applied.
Look at the second post in the link I provided in the post you just quoted. You must do everything that is mentioned in the second post but at the very end before you restart you "MUST" re-run the "sfc /scannow" command in CMD one more time for the fix to be applied.

Thank you, I'll try
Look at the second post in the link I provided in the post you just quoted. You must do everything that is mentioned in the second post however; at the very end before you restart you "MUST" re-run the "sfc /scannow" command one more time for the fix to be applied.

Quick question, even after a FULL RESET (factory default) I have to do the steps above?
I just had the issue, but not overnight.

I was using it fine this morning, then closed it and opened it several times. I then went off to a meeting, then lunch, came back and opened up to a black screen and manual boot.

Oh well, I guess this issue continues post the latest updates. :mad:
I just had the issue, but not overnight.

I was using it fine this morning, then closed it and opened it several times. I then went off to a meeting, then lunch, came back and opened up to a black screen and manual boot.

Oh well, I guess this issue continues post the latest updates. :mad:

Have you done the DISM process explained above?