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Touchscreen not working


New Member
Hi, the touchscreen of my Surface 2 has just recently stopped working entirely. I have tried all of the troubleshooting suggested fixes - turning on/off; updating; refreshing and re-setting - however, to no avail. The device has not been dropped, is not damaged and was until a couple of days ago working absolutely fine. Does anyone have any suggestions for what the problem might be and how I might be able to fix it? Thanks.
Having the same problem and it is driving me crazy. Went thru all the steps with MS webpages and worked with 5 different techs in the chat support area. It is obvious it is a software bug, do we know if MS is addressing this issue?
I've no idea, I've tried speaking to MS a few times but they've not been hugely helpful so far and I'm still waiting for a call back from a couple of weeks back. Have you had any further luck?
I've no idea, I've tried speaking to MS a few times but they've not been hugely helpful so far and I'm still waiting for a call back from a couple of weeks back. Have you had any further luck?
Same problem here since june 10 Windows update. Tried everything ... still not working! Have you had any news from MS since ?
I am having the same problem since an update failed to install on 16.7.2015. Windows logo button is working, but touch is unresponsive. Already tried all steps on MS page, including reset. Nothing helped so far.
I am having the same problem since an update failed to install on 16.7.2015. Windows logo button is working, but touch is unresponsive. Already tried all steps on MS page, including reset. Nothing helped so far.

Just to be clear, you did a Reset, and not a Refresh? When the reset was done, your machine would have been returned to factory state, and all your programs and files would be gone. Is that what you did?
Just to be clear, you did a Reset, and not a Refresh? When the reset was done, your machine would have been returned to factory state, and all your programs and files would be gone. Is that what you did?

Yes, that is exactly what I did, reset to factory state.
Yes, that is exactly what I did, reset to factory state.

If you did indeed do a full reset, and your touch still did not work after that, I can't imagine anything else that it could be but a hardware problem. When did you buy the SP3?
If you did indeed do a full reset, and your touch still did not work after that, I can't imagine anything else that it could be but a hardware problem. When did you buy the SP3?

I have Surface 2 (with win RT). I am 100% sure that this is not a HW problem, because it occured after a failed update. Tablet was like this for more than 20 minutes, when it restarted, touch was unresponsive (but windows logo button still works).
I'm having the exact same problem.. and I'm pretty sure that mine had something to do with an update around that same time too. Surface 2 has been in the same spot on my same desk for 5 months without being moved, so I know it's nothing that I could have physically done. The Windows logo still works as well and I did everything listed on Microsoft's troubleshooting page INCLUDING a full-recovery and it still isn't working. Figures b/c my warranty ended at the end of May.

However, one of the times that I turned it on after my battery died, it did work. Not for long (in fact I think it only lasted until the Surface fell asleep again), but it did work fine. I've read other forums where many people are having this problem and some people are having success draining their batteries and things of that nature, but it doesn't always work. So after 20 hours of looking for a damn solutions, I haven't found a real long-term solution.

Another common claim on the forums is that Microsoft will not do anything to assist. If they're not going to help me with one of their screw-ups, I'll wreak hell upon them. But for real, if they do not help me tomorrow, they'll be giving all Surface 2 owners a free replacement or upgrade when I'm done with them.. I'll let ya'll know if I get lucky and actually get an answer out of them.
Wish you luck!:) I have read almost entire internet, but haven't found a solution.. The battery draining did not work for me.