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The Wi-Fi Issue In Perspective


Active Member
I have previously said that I intended to pre-order a Surface Pro as soon as they are available. I have cancelled that intention. I will not order a Surface Pro until the Wi-Fi issue is satisfactorily resolved.

My Wi-Fi environment consists of a WAP-610 connected to the router in my office, by an outside wall. Thirty feet away, diagonally through two outside walls, is a Linksys RE1000 Range Extender, hanging by an outside window in the sun room. It is positioned there to beam its signal toward the swing, about 80 feet away, and toward my firepit in a clearing, downhill and about 250 feet away. (I also have a WAP610 in my shop, but it doesn't count for this purpose.)

My Wi-Fi devices, besides my Surface RT, consist of an iPhone3GS & iPad1, neither of which has a data plan, so they function as Wi-Fi only devices. (I also have an HP Envy Laptop, but it isn't an issue here.) My Ladyfriend uses the Wi-Fi setup for her laptop & iPad when she is here. I can move all around the house with either the my 3GS or iPad, without incident. Both get strong signals at the swing, and, even though it is downhill enough to interfere with "line of sight," even a weak signal down by the firepit.

Since it is still in "play" mode, my Surface RT usually sits on the coffee table in the living room -- about 30 feet, through an inside wall, from the WAP610, and, at right angle and through an inside glass panel, about 25 feet from the RE1000. As expected, it gets a good signal while sitting there.

However, when I take the Surface with me to read in bed, it loses the signal before I get there, although it is never more than 25 feet from the RE1000. In bed, it is about 15 feet, through an inside wall, from the RE1000. I have to "reset" the signal, and then I get only a "Limited" connection. If I pick up the RT and just walk around the house, it always loses the wi-fi signal. (My house is nice, but not that big.)

I took the RT out to the swing, just for a laugh, and I got one. The RT can "see" the SSIDs in the house and shop, but cannot connect with either. (The 3GS and iPad connect nicely with either.)

So, my position is simple, if MS cannot solve the Wi-Fi problem on the RT, I will hold the purchase of the Pro in abeyance until I am shown that it has been solved in the Pro. (Note that I said "shown," not "told.")

I suspect that I am not alone in this, so do hope that Microsoft is taking the matter seriously.

I feel your frustration. Every SSID I've tried to connect to has worked eventually; only one 'limited' issue that was resolved after a restart. I've had absolutely no more 'limited' issues since then and Tuesday's firmware update.... and I've connected to 3 new SSIDs since then. I'm sure MS is looking into the issue. I was an early iPadv1 adaptor and had similar issues. IMO it will get fixed.
Bosamar --

Thanks for the encouragement. I hope you're right. This is a "go" / "no-go" proposition. As explained before, my purchase of the Pro is to be a laptop replacement for my Ladyfriend's China travels. I can't have her diddling with the wi-fi in downtown Hwangyen. It just needs to work -- every time.

Take care,
Knock on wood, I'm happy as I have no WiFi issues caused by the Surface RT itself. My Acer Aspire S3 gave me more headache, and while they were eventually resolved, it happened.
I had the "limited" wifi issue since the first day, 10/26. apparently it has now gone away after this week's update. let's see if it sticks.
Oddly I have not had any WiFi issues since getting my Surface, actually it gets a better signal than any of my other devices. My wireless router is in the basement and I only use Wireless N so more speed less range. I had G running for a while but not even that signal could make it to my office on the second floor. So I ended up using PowerLine for my office and my Surface gets 2 bars on N in the same room, I can stream Netflix without issues. My Windows Phone, iPhone 3GS and 2 Dell laptops cannot connect in that room. Also, my Surface shows more wireless networks around me than any other device.
I've actually been getting a better WiFi connection at home since last Tuesday's update. My router is upstairs on the opposite end of the house. Now I get four bars instead of three.
When I fisrt started using my Surface, I also had some initial connectivity issues of the "limited" type. It was necessary to reboot in order to get/stay connected. In many of the times I got "limited", I was within 10' of the Netgear WNR3400 router. This problem has since vanished and I have not had an issue since late October.
For anyone that gets the Limited connectivity have you tried to just disable then re-enable your wireless adapter rather than a reboot? This would normally reset the adapter without having to reboot.
I have said it several times in several threads, though there appear to be some issues with how wifi is handled on the device itself, you must update the firmware on your routers and power them down and back on to ensure the issue isn't in the wifi router. This is a more common issue than many people think and is the easiest place to start. You can't control how MS addresses the issue but you can make sure everything is correct on your end.

It sounds like you have quite a large area to cover with wifi. Have you ever considered something like this as a solution for range purposes? It says up to 1.5 mile range.

Amped Wireless A8EX High Power Outdoor 8 dBi Omni-Directional Wi-Fi Antenna Kit - Walmart.com
Well I just connect to free WiFi hotspots at Panera, Barnes and Noble, Starbucks, Simon, etc. Yesterday and today I got the limited connection. BUT I just did the updates and the download and install ran fairly quickly at the library.

My WiFi at home through my router earlier stinks, maybe it will be better later when I try since the updates.
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