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Surface Warranty for kickstand... but screen cracked


New Member
Hello. A few months ago I started practicing for the replacement of my SP3. The kickstand infact is abnormal and can not keep the different positions . After a series of videos sent to the Microsoft Support, the department confirmed that I had the right to replace the product in warranty conditions. However, I waited a few months , waiting for the working holiday .
Unfortunately in these days, the surface fell and the screen broke. The Surface can turn on, but the touch screen doesn't work. The italian Microsoft Support told me that I have to pay € 550 for a surface pro 3, but how can I pay for a new product, if I have also the replacement right for the kickstand abnormal?
What can I do?
Welcome surf14.

You have to pay because you caused damage to the device, and as such that damage is not under warranty, unless you bought the extended warranty.

The best (hypothetical) scenario would be that you send it back, they fix the kick stand, and they return it to you, still with a broken screen. You'll still have to pay for a new product though if you want a functional screen (having a surface screen replaced is possible I think, but it will not be easy or cheap).

smash the screen on pretty much any electronic device which is not covered by an accidental damage warranty and you will be charged for repairing it.
Ok :(

Is it dangerous to use is with screen cracked in the left corner? Can the tablet be dongerous for me and other users? How can I make it safe?
I imagine the only danger is that the glass may eventually fall out or cause a slice in someones hand etc. Probably highly unlikely, look at how many people happily use a smashed up iphone without a problem. If you are concerned though, the simple solution is to buy a screen protector (sounds ironic, I know) to stop any shattered glass from potentially hurting anyone.

You'll just have to double check with microsoft that they'll do this. Improbable, but they might try and argue that the kickstand is broken because you've just been mistreating the device (just remember to be polite and courteous regardless of how they respond, and if needs be, ask to speak to a manager etc)
Hello. In USA, paying for replacement of a SP3 ic, do you riceive a SP3 i3 (that isn't sold now as brand new) or do you riceive a SP4 m3?