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Surface RT VPN Issue


New Member
I use a VPN provided by witopia.net on my desktop and wanted to take advantage of the fact that my license permits two simultaneous connections. Since witopia doesn't have an ARM-based app, I went to the control panel and set up a VPN with the proper URL and credentials and successfully connected. Windows Mail and IE work fine with it and I checked that the IP address I'm using is the VPN's.

One small problem, RT apps such as the Bing app, think they're offline. Is there a way to get around this?
Sounds like it isn't picking up the Proxy for HTTP, I think you can configure under the Desktop IE under tools...connection tab...LAN settings
The desktop IE works fine. It's the RT apps that seem "lose" the internet. On my desktop W8 machine, there is no problem.
Do you know, if the VPN policy allows "non-company" surfing/traffic to go out the local Internet connection? Or does it force all the Internet traffic through the VPN?
From an elevated Command Prompt run this command: netsh winhttp set proxy <proxy_hostname_or_IP_address>:<web_proxy_listener_port>