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Surface product placement


New Member
I guess they had a Surface on NCIS Los Angles. I was also at a SharePoint Saturday yesterday and saw six Surfaces in a group of about 400. They also gave a Surface as a door prize.
I was watching Elementary this week and ran into some of the most blatant product placement I've ever seen. Sherlock needed to look up something for a case and it shows him grab his surface and keyboard makes the click joining the two. Then zooms in on the hinge for the other click sound. I thought it was hilarious and had to rewind it a few times. Wonder how much MS paid for that.

Sorry I couldn't find a clip anywhere but I will keep looking.
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Found the clip
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It's great to see microsoft heavily advertising the Surface; I've seen it placed in a few other tv shows as well as in straight commercials that are attractive, and well done. All they need to do now is to make it available in the usual distribution channels so that more people can get a hands on experience.
Surface on NCIS

Just saw a treasury agent using a Surface on tonight's NCIS show. More product placement. Good stuff.
Saw that. The product placement was a bit more subtle and believable than some of the other ones. Nice to keep seeing the Surface on TV.
I think MS has done a commendable job of both advertising and product placement for the Surface. Maybe a little payback for those crappy Apple anti Vista ads of a few years ago.