So I plugged in my Samsung s5 to my 2-week-old Surface Pro 3 to transfer some music for the gym. I transfered am album to the sd card of the phone and after the 3rd song a notice appeared "Unable to Transfer x Song" so I clicked ok and it went back to transferring and it didn't seem to be progressing so I cancelled the job. It was cancelling and seemed fine and then the laptop went off completely.
Since it went off I can not turn it back on. It was charging when this happened, battry was low about an hour before so I plugged in and continued working. So its definitely not the battery.
I tried the obvious two button shut down and held the power button continuously with no sign of powering on.
Anyone have any idea what this could be? The s5 that I plugged in is 6-weeks old and I'm doing a scan now to see if anything is wrong with it but I doubt the faultimate is with the phone.
For your info my SP3 has 256gb ssd and i5. It has been charging for 2 hours since it happened, with the white light on. Nothing to do with power.
Is it possible for the ssd to just die out of nowhere like this?
So I plugged in my Samsung s5 to my 2-week-old Surface Pro 3 to transfer some music for the gym. I transfered am album to the sd card of the phone and after the 3rd song a notice appeared "Unable to Transfer x Song" so I clicked ok and it went back to transferring and it didn't seem to be progressing so I cancelled the job. It was cancelling and seemed fine and then the laptop went off completely.
Since it went off I can not turn it back on. It was charging when this happened, battry was low about an hour before so I plugged in and continued working. So its definitely not the battery.
I tried the obvious two button shut down and held the power button continuously with no sign of powering on.
Anyone have any idea what this could be? The s5 that I plugged in is 6-weeks old and I'm doing a scan now to see if anything is wrong with it but I doubt the faultimate is with the phone.
For your info my SP3 has 256gb ssd and i5. It has been charging for 2 hours since it happened, with the white light on. Nothing to do with power.
Is it possible for the ssd to just die out of nowhere like this?