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Surface Book is a disappointment.

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* The backlit keyboard doesn't contain an ALS(ambient light sensor) which one would expect in a premium laptop right? All backlit Macbooks have this feature.

* the screen wobble due to unbalanced weight by MS choosing to make a tablet/clipboard instead of a normal laptop. Once again a design decision made out of desperation(we have to be different from Apple!) instead of any kind of sense.

* No quad-core CPU option. So it's a real non-option for pros who need Adobe Creative Cloud.

Yet Panos Panay got up there and had the GALL to call it "The Ultimate Laptop". For god's sake, he has some balls. Over at the Apple forums, they're laughing their asses off.
It's not perfect, looks like a really nice 1st gen product though.

Yes no quad core, but you can't compare it to a 15" rMBP (completely different form factor).

And at least it is fresh and current (although not future proof, no usb-c, etc). Enjoy paying full price for your previous generation tech until next March.
Hi, there, @Migi

I use my Adobe Creative Cloud apps with a Wacom Intuos Pro digitizer on the MacBook Pro Retina 15, and sometimes the iMac.

Love how it also works with my SP3 and pen without extra hardware. That's why I will also love it on the Surface Book, in a day or so.

I have respect rather than resentment towards both Microsoft and Apple. That is because both ingenious companies are in healthy competition for my dollar, with different approaches.

I win.
It is disappointing that Intel has not made a Quad Core "Core i" 5w - 15w CPU. However, when they do you can be sure it will be included.

It's also disappointing that over on the Apple Farm some have become disassociated from their bodies due to further irrational musings after clamming an ARM SoC was more powerful than 80% of PCs. I keep hearing a MAC is a PC too... Hmmm... irrational is as irrational does. We can only pray for their safe return to sanity before embarrassing themselves further or causing themselves irreparable harm. Godspeed to the 13" MacBook it needs it. :)
* The backlit keyboard doesn't contain an ALS(ambient light sensor) which one would expect in a premium laptop right? All backlit Macbooks have this feature.

* the screen wobble due to unbalanced weight by MS choosing to make a tablet/clipboard instead of a normal laptop. Once again a design decision made out of desperation(we have to be different from Apple!) instead of any kind of sense.

* No quad-core CPU option. So it's a real non-option for pros who need Adobe Creative Cloud.

Yet Panos Panay got up there and had the GALL to call it "The Ultimate Laptop". For god's sake, he has some balls. Over at the Apple forums, they're laughing their asses off.
Hahahaha if one of us went and threw a rant about an apple product in an apple forum all of Hell would break loose. Do you really feel the need that much to come and tell me that I'm in the wrong for wanting something else than you? I wouldn't buy this device if the screen didn't detach, I use my surface pro 3 in tablet mode for about an hour a day, if that means a little screen wobble till they can figure it out next year than that's that. Also this is a 13inch laptop, how many 13inch laptops have true quadcore CPU's in them? I can't think of any. But hey maybe next year that'll change! I see many flaws with this device but you have to start somewhere! I bought the Surface Pro 1 the day it came out, and it had a lot of issue's but by Surface Pro 3 it became something entirely differnet, and now today the surface pro line is absolutely beautiful. This device is the first of its kind and its a pretty dang good start if you ask me, especially for a company that has never made a laptop. It can only move up from here, I'm excited for it now and I'm excited for its future! :)
* The backlit keyboard doesn't contain an ALS(ambient light sensor) which one would expect in a premium laptop right? All backlit Macbooks have this feature.

* the screen wobble due to unbalanced weight by MS choosing to make a tablet/clipboard instead of a normal laptop. Once again a design decision made out of desperation(we have to be different from Apple!) instead of any kind of sense.

* No quad-core CPU option. So it's a real non-option for pros who need Adobe Creative Cloud.

Yet Panos Panay got up there and had the GALL to call it "The Ultimate Laptop". For god's sake, he has some balls. Over at the Apple forums, they're laughing their asses off.

not from what ive been reading, they are more hacked off at the fact there is little innovation going on with the MacBook pro. Ive been waiting around to purchase a MacBook pro for 2 yrs now and one thing that's put me off is the whole staingate mess. A few fanboys might have laughed but the general attitude ive gotten from reading macrumor forums is some are going to jump ship and some want apple to innovate in the same manner as Microsoft.
Yeah, tons of Mac guys are fed up with Apple.
They became the greedy stagnant company milking every iPhone to death. Zero new things.
Dumbing down every aspect of the "Mac experience".

I've been with Macs for 20 years, now I'm at the point I will NEVER give Apple anymore money.
Period. They don't care about me anyway. They want the kardashians to use them. Enjoy.

Do you realize how many amazing products got killed by Apple just because they don't give a damn
about the pro market anymore? Final Cut, Aperture, Color, Shake, even Quicktime. Many more.

If you think you will always be the sh#t, just because your phone is popular at the moment,
look at Nokia, and Palm, and Ericsson...
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