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regarding POP3


New Member
I just picked up a copy of Pogue's Missing Manual for Win8 to help familiarize myself with the OS and my SurfacePro.
What happened to the "more mail settings/ sending/receiving email from other accounts" option to access POP accounts?
Was this option removed by automated OS updates? I just purchased my barely used SP two weeks ago with a freshly installed restore of the OS that I allowed MS to update.
We have two POP3 accounts that are nearly twenty years old, including a biz account. I do not want to change these, and had no idea Outlook doesn't allow for seamless integration. Pretty ridiculous, and aggravating. Do we now live in an age where purchasing a computer product entails allowing a manufacturer's servers the right to see our communications?

SurfNut --

I am using Thunderbird both on my Pro and that of my Ladyfriend. It does the job very nicely for both POP3 and IMAP accounts. Life is too short to try to force something to work when the solution is readily available.

Like you, neither of us is willing to give up our similarly aged accounts.

The built-in mail app doesn't support POP, but I'm running Outlook 2013 on my SP and it has all the settings that have always been there.
Hi everyone! Welcome to this forum.I am using Thunderbird both on my Pro and that of my Ladyfriend. It does the job very nicely for both POP3 and IMAP accounts.
I 'drank the koolaid' so to speak.
On my old ATT POP3 account, which is part of my DSL, I just set it to forward my email to Outlook.com. I then set my Surface Pro, my laptop, and my Android phone, to connect to Outlook.com using exchange activesync. Now I get push emails instantly, and all of my devices stay in sync (read or delete an email on one and it shows as read or deleted on all). I've been wanting to get away from POP email for years, and this is a great first step.
For now I have the best of both worlds IMHO.