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Quick note on surface pro 3


New Member
Not sure if this has been asked or whether it can be done but on the surface pro 3 when you click the pen to open one note for quick not taking the thickness of writing is thin, however when using one note normally you can change the colour or thickness, my question is for quick note taking can you default to say blue ink and medium thickness instead of black and thin writing.

If so how do you do it.
I don't understand your question. Whatever pen do you pick will stay as default the next time that you open OneNote.
I think he means when you open OneNote when SP3 is sleeping. The pen will always be thin black and I don't think you can change that.
I think he means when you open OneNote when SP3 is sleeping. The pen will always be thin black and I don't think you can change that.

Yes that right it works when you open up the program fully but I was just wandering if it can be set up when you wake the unit from sleeping
If you open by Default the Desktop Version whatever you had is what will be used.

The metro version also remembers your pen, but if you press the pen button when SP3 is sleeping, you always get a thin black pen and can't change it until you unlock the device.
Hmmm... I just now opened OneNote Desktop, set my pen to Red, 0.5mm and wrote with it. Then I closed OneNote, and put my SP3 to sleep.

I clicked my purple button and my ink was black and thin.

It would seem that @Liam2349 is correct.

Note to Microsoft...