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Question about routers

Arizona Willie

Active Member
After factory resetting mine I was poking around and, although my router is called " dual band " with both 2.4 and 5 ghz ... it seems you can only use one speed at a time. I have to choose whether to run the router at 2.4 or 5 ghz.

This is an older router ( over 3 years I believe ) and I was wondering if the new routers allow you to use both speeds at once.
My PS3 and WII only run at 2.4 but laptop, Surface, and desktop can all do 5ghz.

Don't really care about the old WII too much, only use it for a glorified weight scale every morning anyway, so it doesn't matter if it can get online but the PS3 does matter and it only does 2.4. When I went to 5 ghz it would not find the SSID. Put the router back to 2.4 and wham it was fine.
Even older routers should let you set two SSIDs, one for 2.4 GHz and one for 5 GHz, my Belkin N750 allowed that and I bout it years ago...
It really depends on the router, and not the router age. You are looking for a router that does dual band simultaneous