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Solved Problem Logging On


New Member
Hi Guys,

Sry if this is a basic question but I'm looking for a bit of advice please. My partner has a surface pro 3 from work and has been signing in using the picture password ever since she got it. She reset the display settings this evening which prompted a reset now or later. She selected 'now' and was prompted with a log on screen which says 'other user'. She has try multiple logins but none are successful. I think the problem is that it is looking for 'other user' and not her account where the image for the picture password would be stored.

Is there anyway we can switch the user login back to be the picture password/her account?

Apologies if this has been answered b4 as cudnt find it on the forum.

Any help is much appreciate.

Welcome to the forum

I don't think she can go back until she has logged in with an admin account. Hopefully she had a Microsoft account, AND a local/personal/business account. I would try whatever she was using before substituting the picture PW. I would imagine that should work.
Hey Leeshor,

Many thanks for d advise/reply. She was able to log in n fix the problem via her outlook, she was using d wrong email from d start!

Thanx again, it was much appreciated
