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Pro 2 store availability on release date?


Anyone know if the MS stores will have any Pro 2's available on release date or are they only doing pre-orders? I called my local MS store to ask about the availability of the 256gb but the guy I spoke to said no because those are not being released until Dec 15th because that's what the pre-order website is showing. He obviously has no idea what he is taking about because the pre-order showed Oct 21 and Oct 29th the last time I checked. I did the Live Chat on the MS website but that rep also said they can't see the store availability on release date.

I don't want to wait until Dec 15th. I would rather wait in line.

Did the MS stores have any available in store when the Surface 1 was released?
Yes, typically there will be stock at the Microsoft Store, I waited in line for 2 hours to get my wife an RT on launch.
Not wanting to repeat the same inventory issues when the Pro was launched, I opted to pre-order this time around.

It will be interesting to see what happens with this release.
Was in MS store yesterday.
According to the store Manager, yes they will be there.
They may actually already have them there. Not sure though.
Preorders on 64, 128 Pro2 were all reserved.
Pro2 256 tablets were available for preorder.
I signed up for the 256 Pro2.
They said that they will send an email to me when it's ready to pick it up; Nov 22 was what I was told.
I called my MS Store in SLC just now. I was checking to see if I could just come in tomorrow and get an SPro2. They said they only have enough SPro2 256/8GBRAM for those who pre-ordered. You can pre-order still but not sure when those will come in. Luckily, I had the wisdom to pre-order they have mine ready for pickup tomorrow at 8am. Can't wait.
Best Buy has all models available. I had a friend order a 256/8gb tonight and his will be here by Thursday.
MS store updates.
I picked up my 256/8 SP2 last night.
Spoke to the sales people there and they said they sold out of every SP2 they had reserved.
They are awaiting he next batch shipped in.
All of the Type Covers were sold out.
Few Touch Covers remained.
All but one 48 watt charger was sold.
(It was hiding in an incorrect sales position on their wall)

All in all, sounds like a good day for MS & SP2!