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Onenote freezes/resets when streaming in Zoom


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Please Help!!

I am a college professor and I use an SP4 (8GB) to teach my physics courses remotely using Zoom. I primarily use Microsoft Onenote (both 2016 and/or Win10 versions depending on the day). Other than lack of processor power my SP4 has worked well reasonably well.

In November I purchased a new SP7 w/16GB, with Windows 10, to improve my remote presentations and speed up the video editing of my Zoom recordings. Unfortunately, I have been sorely disappointed. Using the new SP7, I have not been able to make it through a complete 2hr Zoom session running Onenote 2016 or Onenotes for WIndows 10, using the SP7. Admittedly, my class sessions are writing/drawing intensive, but I have serious issues with either version of Onenote freezing up, lagging and/or resetting using the SP7. Thus I have been relegated to using my SP4 for remote class sessions. Has anyone had similar problems?

I have tried disabling hardware acceleration, re-installing Zoom and Onenote, as well as upgrading the SP7 firmware to no avail. I have searched online for similar problems and/or solutions to the problems but cannot anything helpful. One thing I haven't tried is using the online version of OneNote, which is slow and laggy on its own without using Zoom. Given that this SP7 was a significant investment I have been extremely frustrated and disappointed with this problem.

I am hoping that someone might have some insight into why this is happening and/or if there is a fix. If anyone would have some advice I would appreciate it. Thank you.
Here is something certain to help: Suspend OneDrive during your sessions. OneDrive continually syncs the various files OneNote creates. With every save, OneDrive tries to back the file up. Soon, wait states and sync algorithms can steal your bandwidth.

Various options are to suspend OneDrive for 2 hours, or a day, or exit altogether until you reboot or explicitly restart OneDrive. I have learned to do this to solve freezing.

I hope this helps. I Zoom geophysics work regularly, and test Zoom to a family member from my Surface Book 2 after configuration changes.

As far as the SP7 goes, the computer is a good upgrade for your needs. Let’s keep trying to find the culprit.
Thanks for the advice. I will definitely try it. I already have the sync setting to manual sync but I will disable OneDrive and see what happens. Curious, why would continual syncing to OneDrive adversely affect my SP7 but not my SP4? Hmm.
Thanks for the advice. I will definitely try it. I already have the sync setting to manual sync but I will disable OneDrive and see what happens. Curious, why would continual syncing to OneDrive adversely affect my SP7 but not my SP4? Hmm.

It could be that OneDrive is not finished putting your cloud files on the new SP7. This happens even if manual sync is activated, because initially,OneDrive is in a “restore and initialize” mode before syncing truly starts.
So I paused OneDrive syncing and performed a trial run using OneNote2016 (with auto syncing set to manual) during a Zoom session. I screen shared the OneNote window throughout the test run. I was almost able to make through a complete page or writing before OneNote paused, locked up then reset (black screen for a couple seconds then OneNote re-appeared. After the reset, my pen began to lag quite a bit (maybe a second or so delay between writing on the tablet and when the writing appeared on the screen). So it seems that OneNote is running better but the problem isn't complete solved. It just took longer for the problem to manifest. Unfortunately, I didn't have anyone else in the Zoom session so I don't know if that little detail is also somehow involved.

To test the pen lag issue, I closed the Zoom session then un-paused OneDrive syncing. The pen lag appears to have disappeared. The OneNote autosync setting is still set to manual. Unfortunately, the one thing I didn't try was to stop the screen share in Zoom but to continue to use OneNote while the Zoom session was still going. I don't know if I am getting closer to finding the culprit. Any thoughts?
Not truly a solution, but I suspect OneNote 2016 would be less prone to these problems. It is not as well connected to other services and apps and the Office ecosystem.
I agree. I trust OneNote 2016 much more than I do OneNote 365. My experience with the latter has been more tenuous than the former.
I tried using OneNote 2016 in Zoom for class today on the SP7. I was hoping that maybe the OneNote issue would at least be somewhat more stable with OneDrive syncing paused, etc. Unfortunately, with the full class on session, it started reset, then froze altogether. Zoom even froze and I had to leave the session and come back in. Moreover, the only way I could close OneNote was to use the Task Manager. What a mess. It's a good thing I still have my SP4. I finished the class session and a remote class afterward with the latter machine. Back to square one. Alas.
I have exactly the same problem and had to practically stop my class today. Was this problem finally resolved?
This problem has not been fixed. To add insult to injury, I just purchased a Lenovo Flex 5 Ryzen 2-in-1. It was on sale at Costco so I couldn't resist. The Flex5 has the same specs as my SP7, other than the processor, but it streams in Zoom while screen sharing OneNote just fine and much smoother than my SP4 when multiple programs are open. This device cost me $100 less than half the price of the SP7 yet does everything I purchased the SP7 to do. Grr. My only complaints with the Flex5 are the stylus/touchpad isn't as nice as the SP7, and the screen brightness is too dim even on the brightest setting. I'm still adjusting to it but at least the device works well. Why can't Microsoft just fix this problem?
I am using a Spectre with a Wacom tablet to teach remotely.
Using OneNote (my preference) has been disastrous - OneNote crashes all the time while I am on Zoom: while trying to change pen colour, go up/down on screen....
I would really expect this to work together properly and I don't know how to fix it. :(