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One Note Desktop : Surface Pen erase button not working


The Surface Pen works properly when I use One Note Modern. However when I switch to One Note Desktop, the erase button on the Surface Pen does not work. I tried contact Microsoft support and they had no idea as well. Anyone can help me?
No One has any solutions at all? So far this forum has extremely helpful people. However I also notice that when they are stumped they will totally keep quiet for fear of putting their beloved SP3 in a bad light. I mean c'mon, if there is a clear problem, let me know and together we can feedback to Microsoft so that they can get their act together. I mean it is One Note for crying out loud....how embarrassing for MS.
Have you set it up again from scratch? I know i've had pop-ups here and there asking me if i had a 1 or 2 button pen.

If not, get onto an online live chat. I had issues with my pen buttons, and they determined that it was hardware, so sent me a brand new pen and battery free of charge with no request for the original one back, and a few weeks later the supposed hardware issue had vanished and i now have two perfectly functional pens.
No One has any solutions at all? So far this forum has extremely helpful people. However I also notice that when they are stumped they will totally keep quiet for fear of putting their beloved SP3 in a bad light. I mean c'mon, if there is a clear problem, let me know and together we can feedback to Microsoft so that they can get their act together. I mean it is One Note for crying out loud....how embarrassing for MS.
Uh...WOW, I take it this is the club approach? When you first launched OneNote Desktop it asked you what type of Stylus you had (One Button or Two), if you slected One Button you will see this behavior....

Go to Control Panel and Click on "Pen and Touch"
Under "Pen Buttons" Make sure that the checkbox for "Use the top of the pen to erase ink (where available" is selected. Click apply.
Tada....now the erase button on the surface pen can now erase for One Note Desktop.