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New to Surface Pro 3 Family


New Member
Hello everyone,

I just joined the surface pro 3 family. I got myself the I5 128GB yesterday and I am absolutely loving it. Honestly I had heard only good things about the surface and still got pleasantly surprised; the build quality, the portability, performance everything is top notch. I even had some doubts about its ''lapability'' but it has been quite good actually (I am half lying down while writing this). Typing is great too, It's really amazing that they managed to make such a good keyboard keeping it thin + backlight. Kudos!

A few words about me: I am 27, from Greece, work as a product analyst and been saving up for this for some time now, I am really happy I finally got it. I will be reading the forums non stop for useful stuff and getting to know you all. :)
Hello everyone,

I just joined the surface pro 3 family. I got myself the I5 128GB yesterday and I am absolutely loving it. Honestly I had heard only good things about the surface and still got pleasantly surprised; the build quality, the portability, performance everything is top notch. I even had some doubts about its ''lapability'' but it has been quite good actually (I am half lying down while writing this). Typing is great too, It's really amazing that they managed to make such a good keyboard keeping it thin + backlight. Kudos!

A few words about me: I am 27, from Greece, work as a product analyst and been saving up for this for some time now, I am really happy I finally got it. I will be reading the forums non stop for useful stuff and getting to know you all. :)

Welcome to the forum! You will find a ton of information here, and of course lots and lots of people who love their SP3's!
Greetings to you, @geokarbou

You have a good machine, and have found a good forum to get the most from it. I like lots of computing devices: Apple, PC, tablet, phone. The Surface Pro 3 is outstanding in the group. It gives me relaxation (video streaming, email, creativity, music and radio), but also puts power behind my livelihood (Earth science). All this in one device.

You will love Windows 10, which will be free and for your SP3 in about three months.