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New from South Australia


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Hi all I am new to the surface in fact I haven't owned a Microsoft product for some time now. My main computer is a Mac I know that is probably a dirty word around here but it is what it is I guess. Anyway I am embarking on some overseas trips over the next 2 years these include the USA for a Mth then Asia and Europe so I decided I needed something light and portable. I chose the Surface over the iPad for some specific reasons the main 1 being the ability to use portable HDD and Flash cards something the iPad cannot do. I am a bit of an amateur photographer and in a mth in the US I could easily take 5000 photos so I needed the storage medium offered by the Surface as I just cant bring myself to trust the Cloud. I have had the Surface for a week now and have found an acceptable photo editing app for it, hopefully there will be some better ones in the future. But I must say I think Microsoft has let themselves down with the email client, it is just insane to put such a rubbish program like that on what is essentially a communication device. I know that the problem more than likely is the operator but for this kind of device the email app should just work I shouldn't have to start a new account and then add my old email to that so I can receive my emails, lets face it not everybody is a wizz at this stuff its taken the whole week to sort it out oh wait I still haven't got it working correctly yet. So if anybody out there knows how to sort the email thing out I would love the help.

Ok so that was a bit of a rant but this email thing has me frustrated, on to the rest of the Surface all I can say is I love it its easy to navigate and it can do everything I want it to do (except emails of course) its small light and comfortable for me to use so I am very happy with it overall.

Anyway hopefully I can find the answers I seek on this forum thanks for reading my rant

Cheers Paul
Say Paul, may I know the specifics of the problem?
Sent from my Windows Phone 8S by HTC using Board Express
Welcome to the boards. A little more details on what is wrong with your email using the Mail app would help. Be very detailed on what you're doing and how you're setting up your email that way someone here may catch what might be wrong.
Welcome Paul, I think specifically what we need to know is what type of email account are you trying to use? POP3 accounts are not supported but depending on your situation it is likely that you can use the IMAP option instead. Of course you can always access your email though the internet browser and set a tile on the Start screen so it is like opening a mail program. A bit of a work around but might get you by until you can get the account setup correctly in the regular app.
Hey guys the problem is that I have a pop3 email account from my service provider that I have used for a number of years. Now they tell me that all of their accounts will eventually be migrated over to Outlook but they cant say when, so what I had to do was set up a Outlook email account and then add my pop account to that so I can still receive emails from my normal address. So I have done that and then setup the Surface email with the outlook account no problems except it docent work, well it dose sometimes but it is very hit and miss it will get maybe 2 out of 5 emails and it will skip some and it is also very slow it may take several hours for an email to turn up. I think the problem is actually the outlook email client more than the surface but like I have said for what is essentially an communication device Microsoft dropped the ball on the pop issue.

If anybody has any suggestions on what may be the problem or perhaps a more reliable email client that is surface friendly that would be great.

My provider is telsta bigpond I don't think they have other options but I will look into it after work for sure
My provider is telsta bigpond I don't think they have other options but I will look into it after work for sure

Bummer, looks like you are out of luck until they migrate. A Google search tells me this is a problem people have been looking for a solution to at least as far back as 2007. Lots of IMAP demand but it sounds like they are only now doing something by migrating to Outlook.com (though many threads in the past thought they were going to correct the issue soon too).
I did read on the net that there is a email app in the works that will have pop support but who knows how long that will take I guess I will just have to put up with it until either my provider migrates to outlook or the new app comes out.