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New default for moving files in Win10?


Active Member
I just noticed this. The default actions since Win3.1 when dragging-and-dropping a file or folder has been to move if it was from one place to another on the same drive, but to copy if it was to a different drive.
Now in Win10 I just noticed the default is always to move, not copy, even to a different drive.
Is this "new" in Windows 10?

I just did a test and found that my Windows 10 (Build 10547) acts this way:

Drag a file or folder into a folder on same hard disk - MOVED
Drag a file or folder into a folder on a different hard disk - COPIED

Check your system again.
Here I am dragging a file from C:\Users\MyName\Documents to G:\ and it moves it.

Oddly, when I went to move it back, it copied.
Is your "G:" a virtual disk, or a hard drive? The drag and drop functionality detects hard drives.

But also, on Microsoft Community, this post showing a bug involving dragging over other windows:
I came across this forum after I experienced this same issue. I was able to narrow it down to the drag operation going over the top of a UWP application, like Microsoft Edge or the Calendar app. When that happens the action switches from Copy to Move. If the drap operation doesn't go over a UWP app then it is a Copy. I recorded a short video (~2 minutes) that shows the behavior and posted it to YouTube: Tube:
No, these are all actual HDs.
It is probably related to this. I did not drag the file over a UWP, but I just tried it again and the default this time was to copy, but when I dragged it over an Edge window it changed the default to move. I can drag it from one drive in explorer and hover over another drive then drag it over an Edge window and then back to hover over another drive and the default changes. And I can go back and forth over the Edge window and the default keeps toggling back and forth from move to copy.

Not a real problem for me since I am in the usual habit of right click dragging most of the time and then picking the action from the context menu.