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MST Hub problem


New Member
I just received the Y-Cabled docking station from Club 3d.... i choosed it over the MS Dock because I want to change the angle of the SP3... I like to have the SP3 flat on the table as I take a lot of hand written notes...

The network adapter and the USB hub work perfectly but the MST hub just display black screen.

When I plug the 2 monitors (LG w2243T) they go out of "power saving mode" and Windows recognise them . I can move the mouse or a window to the monitor, but their is no image...just black screen.

Their is a scan button on the docking station, when press, both monitor goes on and off the power saving mode... but still no image.

Both monitor work very well if they are plug directly in the SP3...

Does anybody else use an MST hub to drive 2 extra monitors?

Does anybody have an idea of what I can try... else then getting a refound!

I just received the Y-Cabled docking station from Club 3d.... i choosed it over the MS Dock because I want to change the angle of the SP3... I like to have the SP3 flat on the table as I take a lot of hand written notes...

The network adapter and the USB hub work perfectly but the MST hub just display black screen.

When I plug the 2 monitors (LG w2243T) they go out of "power saving mode" and Windows recognise them . I can move the mouse or a window to the monitor, but their is no image...just black screen.

Their is a scan button on the docking station, when press, both monitor goes on and off the power saving mode... but still no image.

Both monitor work very well if they are plug directly in the SP3...

Does anybody else use an MST hub to drive 2 extra monitors?

Does anybody have an idea of what I can try... else then getting a refound!

Hi - I'm not using a hub, but am daisychaining 2 Dell monitors using MST. Among the things I've encountered that you could try:
  • SP3 seems to be quite fussy on MiniDisplayPort cable quality. After a failure (detected by windows but blank screen) with a generic cable I sourced a Lenovo branded one that is 100% reliable.
  • My monitors have a setting to enable/diable DisplayPort 1.2. In my case was disabled out of the box and needed to be enabled.
  • You can also try the latest display drivers straight from Intel's website. Apart from anything else this installs the Intel HD Graphics control panel which includes a tool for DisplayPort topology which may be useful for troubleshooting.
  • My monitors were detected as 59Hz, and the second/slaved one was periodically flickering and disconnecting. Forcing refresh rate to 60Hz has been much more reliable (for three weeks and counting)
After a lot of reading, I think it's because I use a passive MDP to DVI cable.... to drive 2 monitors, I think you need active cable... I ordered one and will see....
OK, with an active cable MDP to DVI, it work perfectly!!!...I now have 2 monitors + the SP3 screen.... very cool!!!