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movies on Surface RT

Maybe someone could save me some research time. I want to rent some movies for playback on my Surface RT for a couple of longish flights. Can anyone give me some advice as to what is the easiest/best way to accomplish this?
I believe you can rent movies directly through the Video app.

That is correct (and it's probably the only legal way to store a rented movie on the RT).

I used the Video app once to rent a video (just to test Xbox) and it worked fine, but I can't remember if you can download the movie in its entirety for later viewing.
I know this isn't really what you're asking, but I simply buy the DVDs and rip them. I store them on flash drives to conserve space on the RT.
I know this isn't really what you're asking, but I simply buy the DVDs and rip them. I store them on flash drives to conserve space on the RT.

Hey bro, what would you recommend? I use Handbrake, and is wondering if there is something faster?
OK. Thanks everyone. I think I'll buy the DVD's, rip them and store them on an SD card for viewing later. Perfect solution.

Anybody have a feel for battery life while viewing video?
I know you said that you were going to rip some dvds but just wanted to let you know that if you rent or buy through the video app you can stream or d/l the movies to Surface. Also, MS has a couple of programs(Bing Rewards & Xbox Live Rewards) that let you earn free MS points that you can use to buy or rent movies. I currently have 1200 points($15) that I got through these programs. It's a nice way to get some free purchases or rentals.
I know you said that you were going to rip some dvds but just wanted to let you know that if you rent or buy through the video app you can stream or d/l the movies to Surface. Also, MS has a couple of programs(Bing Rewards & Xbox Live Rewards) that let you earn free MS points that you can use to buy or rent movies. I currently have 1200 points($15) that I got through these programs. It's a nice way to get some free purchases or rentals.

That is kind of my question, if I rent from the video app and D/L, how long is the rental valid. I don't want to buy the DVD if I can rent it, D/L it and watch on my schedule. I appreciate everyone's input, thanks.
That is kind of my question, if I rent from the video app and D/L, how long is the rental valid. I don't want to buy the DVD if I can rent it, D/L it and watch on my schedule. I appreciate everyone's input, thanks.

This is a copy/paste from the Xbox Video support site (http://support.xbox.com/en-US/music-and-video/video/buying-and-renting-videos):

Renting movies

When you rent a movie through Xbox Video, it's available to you for 14 days. This 14-day countdown starts when you make the purchase. When you start playing the movie, another clock starts ticking: you have a 24-hour period of time during which you can watch the movie as many times as you want.

Let's say you rent a movie at 3:00 P.M. on May 1. If you start watching the movie at 8:00 P.M. on May 5, your rental period expires at 8:00 P.M. on May 6.

Note Unlike a movie that you buy, a movie that you rent must be viewed on the device it was rented for (Xbox 360, computer, Windows Phone 7.

Hope this helps.