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LED Light bulbs


Well-Known Member
The cost of LED light bulbs are really coming down. I picked up two for $9.99 (6w/450 lumens) at Home Depot and one for $14.95 (7.5w/490 lumens) at Lowe's, saving almost 75% regular price. The package says they will last 22.8 years. If I can get half of that life expectancy I'd be happy. About two years ago I put two on the outside of my garage and they run all night. Anyone else using them?
Yep just popped for some led units in two 4 bulb fan lights. Had to get the pricier ones because they needed to be dimmable but went from four 40 watt bulbs in each to four 8 watt bulbs in each. Pleased so far :)
...because they needed to be dimmable
The three I just bought are dimmable, a requirement for the lamps they are in. I've got a 22x25 courtyard in the front of our home with five light posts. I'm currently running 8w/450 lumens/8000 hour) CFL's in them. They run from dusk to dawn. I'm on the lookout for LED replacements and the $9.99 bulbs I just got are looking good.
I'm now on a pilgrimage to replace all my CFL's with LEDs. Got five replaced so far, all fantastic, bright with more than adequate lumens. The LEDs I'm finding now seem to be light years ahead of those I saw available a year ago. I'm going to replace two per month until I'm finished.