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Intel 4400 Driver update


I saw that my new Surface Pro 3 i5 are using a very old version of intel's graphic card driver.
My driver version is and the newest version should be the (, i don't know why windows update didn't show it but it seems to be an huge improvement.

Do you think I can get the benefits by installing it ? Especially in 3d app and software ?
Yes you can. With older drivers there were issues with Mudbox, Intel was aware and fixed it. It didn't trickle down to Microsoft yet. When Titanfall came out, I actually could play it on my SP2, but only with the beta drivers from Intel. So yes, you would get benefits, but only update if you are actually having problems with specific software or games. Otherwise stick with stock if you have no issues. I am using the beta drivers personally, have had no issues.
Installing is a bit tricky. You need to explicitly remove the MS supplied driver for the Intel driver install to succeed. Otherwise it will keep blocking you with a message informing you that "Big Brother" has determined you already have the best driver.

I haven't done that, but I have quickly tried to install it without first removing the existing driver and can confirm that the OS will block it.
I saw that my new Surface Pro 3 i5 are using a very old version of intel's graphic card driver.
My driver version is and the newest version should be the (, i don't know why windows update didn't show it but it seems to be an huge improvement.

Do you think I can get the benefits by installing it ? Especially in 3d app and software ?

Don't forget that the SP3 is the very first Connected Standby PC ever. As such, Microsoft had to do a lot of work to get that working properly, and drivers is a huge part of that equation.

Microsoft worked with Intel on the driver that came with your SP3, it is not the "stock" driver that's available on Intel's site. It is a custom driver made for the SP3.

Many folks have installed the driver off of Intel's site, but I personally wouldn't.
I've been running the latest Intel drivers since I bought this because I MUST have the HD Control Panel with zero issues and a better experience due to dialing down the gamma. If there is a downside to running these drivers rather than the stock SP3 ones I haven't seen it.
I've been running the latest Intel drivers since I bought this because I MUST have the HD Control Panel with zero issues and a better experience due to dialing down the gamma. If there is a downside to running these drivers rather than the stock SP3 ones I haven't seen it.

Are there instructions anywhere for installing it? I went to Intel's site today and ran the applet that checks your driver versions, and it told me there was a new version of the Intel HD Graphics 4400 available. But as stated by another poster above, when I tried to install it, it wouldn't let me.