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Instant messaging apps between Windows & iOS


Well-Known Member
I speak to my girlfriend from my Surface to her iPad a few times per week. Since Windows 8.1 I've been using Skype, but after many updates it's still utterly useless. The sync issues are awful, sometimes messages can take up to a whole 24 hours to show up! Under normal usage it's more like a hour, and sometimes one of us appears offline when really we're there.

I finally got annoyed enough to try something else, so I installed Facebook yesterday purely for the messaging side of it. It seemed to work well for the first hour or so, but then the same issue started occurring; no messages were getting through (well, stalled for 10-20 minutes)

I'm actually pretty sure it's a Surface issue, not iPad, as she doesn't have any problems speaking to other people. Anyway, what other messaging apps can we try that are available on both Windows & iOS? I am purely interested in using the Windows Store btw, and not installing to the desktop. Thanks...
I am having issues with IM as well. I tried to download WhatApp but it isn't available in the store. I would like something that I can communicate with iPhones, iPads, MS and everything else.

Any suggestions?
I've used IM+ for a while on both iOS and the surface. started getting a lot of random disconnects on iOS though. since it supports a lot of different chat services, maybe IM+ on your surface and a native app on the iOS? havent used either for a while now, not much of a need anymore, mostly just text message but might work for what you need
Thanks I will check them out. The problem I am finding is users are having long delays across platforms.
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Yup long delays is the main problem. One strange thing though... I definitely have the biggest problem with chatting to my girlfriend, but I do have smaller problems with others too. Thing is, at the bottom of the screen it says something like 'Connected via' and with her it says 'Messenger' whereas for everyone else, it says 'Skype' even though she is definitely using the Skype app!

Out of the ones recommended so far I think I'll try Viber, as I have actually heard of that one. Thanks so far!
you can sign onto skype from various chat clients using the old school native skype user name & pw or most offer an option to use a hotmail / msn user name to consolidate messenger and skype contacts. did you have her try signing in with a plain vanilla skype name?
Thanks kayzee for bringing this up. This is one of the most important issues with the surface for me (1st world problems!).

surface to surface, I've had a pretty good experience with skype.

However, I'm looking for a better sharing app to share pics, video, urls, etc with others without using email.

Viber is cool and has so far been reliable and syncs well with my phone but it's not without its bugs. For some reason whenever I open a conversation, it takes me to the very first msg that was sent or received. Another thing I don't like is that it doesn't show up as an option from the share charm. Let us know what you think of it after you've had some time to play with it.

I'd really like to see whatsapp make it to win 8 and the tablet community in general. The majority of my contacts are on there and the service is simply great.
For some reason whenever I open a conversation, it takes me to the very first msg that was sent or received. Another thing I don't like is that it doesn't show up as an option from the share charm.

Yup this makes it completely unusable! Ridiculous... plus it still doesn't sync properly. Man I'm getting pissed off with this now. 10 years of using MSN/WLM without a hitch and now it's absolutely buggered.

Beginning to think there's something deeper that's stopping this from working, I mean what are the chances of 3 pieces of software from 3 different manufacturers all acting in the same way
I've experienced this problem as well. My solution is to just use facebook.com when I notice that the app unfortunately doesn't work properly.
Telegram Messenger, like Whatsapp, but with the difference that it is completely multi platform. I have Telegram on my iPhone, my HTC One, my Lumia 1520, My Surface Pro2 and my MacBook. Simply start a conversation on one device and continue it on another device ... works seamlessly ...