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IE - App vrs Desktop version


In the desktop version of IE on the surface pro, I can mouse down on a tab and reposition or reorder it amongst all the tabs displayed. In the app version of IE, I can't figure out how to reorder the tabs. Can it be done or do I have to open them in the order I need them?

I've tried to reorder the Mod-IE but couldn't find the method. From what I can tell from all the tries, there's no way to reorder them.
I've tried to reorder the Mod-IE but couldn't find the method. From what I can tell from all the tries, there's no way to reorder them.
Uggh! Tell me this is not true! :(

Though it is not the end of the world, these annoyances are unnecessary and just causes increased frustrations. Why would they not duplicate the functionality that exists in Desktop IE? That's from where people will be migrating, so of course they are looking to do/use what they used to do/use in Desktop mode.

I, for one, am transitioning to the Modern UI as much and as soon as I can; when I find an equivalent Modern UI app in the Store that provides the functionality I had in Desktop mode, I get that app. But in the case of IE, for example, it makes it very difficult to transition to that app because of obscurities like this, lack of Favorites management, etc. Consequently, I still use Desktop IE 99.999% of the time. That's very unfortunate, because I really like the browsing experience (swiping left/right for navigation) in the Modern UI version of IE.

When I read this thread, it just made me realize that I'll be sticking with Desktop IE for quite some foreseeable time, unfortunately, until MS can get its act together and make the two functionally identical.
I really haven't found too much use for the metro version. It seems to not like some of the forums I use. Actually I've found that in general Chrome in desktop works the best for my needs although I'm really trying hard to like Metro IE and IE in general. This is one of the reasons I wanted the Pro so I wouldn't have to be reliant on IE.
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I'm not a huge tabs guy. I like the ability to swipe back and forth on the Modern (can we stop calling it Metro) version. Wish they would add that to the desktop.
But metro has such interesting overtones. Strangely, one of my common sites has started showing up as t. instead of www. It took me a while to figure out how to get to the desk top version of the site.