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hooray - a new Fimware!


almost "hooray - a new Fimware!" False alert

Am I really the first to notice?
My Surface has just installed a "new" Firmware, dated 24.10.2013 :) But it must be "new" because yesterday and the day before I searched for updates and there were None.
I installed immediately. Hoping it would destroy my SP2 again, so I can Exchange it a 3rd time :) (and finally get the new CPU)

Until now, no smoke, no noise, can't see any difference.
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How big was it and where are you located? I don't have anything here. Since it still has the 24-10-2013 time stamp I kind of doubt that is the one we are all looking for.
That most likely isn't the right one...
MS tried to solve the issues by re-rolling out the october update - with little sucess.
For some reason it seems to be completly random when you get that one xD
I got it two or three weeks ago for example.

No, we are still waiting for the big relieving one ;w;
The 10-24 update has been "surfacing" ha ha randomly for a while. It does nothing.
The headline did get me temporarily excited though. I'll keep waiting.
I got the same October update late yesterday in Canada. This one was NOT there yesterday morning when I did an earlier update so it's a recent one for sure. Not sure what it's fixed though and I'll have to keep a tab on battery life. Cheers!
I got the same October update late yesterday in Canada. This one was NOT there yesterday morning when I did an earlier update so it's a recent one for sure. Not sure what it's fixed though and I'll have to keep a tab on battery life. Cheers!

It randomly appears for various people especially if it initially failed. Nothing recent about it sadly.
IMO, I am not disappointed with the SP2. Even with the quirks with sleep/hibernate, its still the best Windows tablet I have worked with, and we have played with most of the top ultrabook/tablets from vendors in our department. I am amazed at its performance, its ability to play games, and its portability and versatility. Its great at work in the datacenter for doing config changes, in meetings for its note taking capabilities, able to project the display wirelessly while others fumble around with cords, etc.