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Gaming/Dx11 etc



Ok, I know it isn't a dedicated gaming machine but I do have a few on it that run ok however I tried installing via steam (WRC4) and have also tried Elite First Encounters but both these failed to run. The latter stated a D3d error which I thought would've been supported by win8.1 & the gpu being used. Install of WRC4 was a trial run to see what it could handle. Usually when trying to start a game, steam will run an update but this it didn't do, so I'm overlooking something....

If anyone has any advice about possible solutions would be a great help.
Other than that, flak for think I have a gaming machine in the first place are accepted! :p

Grand Prix 4 however runs flawlessly :)
I have no idea what this means but someone posted the same issue on the steam forum ...

"Wait for Vsync" unchecked and problem is gone

Hope your cat gets better :)

Oh, and welcome.
I'll give the vsync option a go later & have a read up on steam thanks :)

I know this thing will never perform to the same level my desktop does, but interesting to see what it can actually handle. I know some things it'll just go 'fek that' so there's only going to be so far you can push the envelop, envelope, limit, sarcasm etc! :p
I'm curious about DirectX 12 coming 2015.
First tests shows up to 50% more performance using DirectX12 compared to DirectX11.
Worked thanks Cothek :)
always something simple isn't it lol
Ha, I had to google search it too so don't feel bad. Did yours take a while because mine did.
Took ages searching but everything led in the wrong direction before I gave up and asked here!
Installed the DX from the link and both started perfectly first go lol
Bit of a complaint from WRC4 about GPU memory, but didn't stop it running.