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External battery pack suggestions?


New Member
You created this post and then 15 minutes later expected a response already? No so cool. :)

It's been discussed at length - please use search - http://www.surfaceforums.net/forum/microsoft-surface-pro/4512-external-battery-pack-option.html

I don't know that anyone has the exact answer for you, and frankly it's "depends" if you're wondering on what kind of battery life you would be getting. What you're doing is basically experimental - you're looking to use an unsupported charger by mixing and matching equipment from China.
Thanks for the response.
I've read through everysingle page of that thread and it still hasn't solved my issue.
I can't import other chargers or I would that's why i'm asking someone who is technical and knows how voltage and stuff works etc could help me out.
The surface pro battery life is horrendous and i'm thinking of exchanging it if I can't get a proper answer.
For me, it lasts 2 hours full brightness only youtube, browsing the net which is appalling
EDIT: As for the product I linked that is coming from China, that produt has many good testimonials and if you read the thread you linked me you will see.
External battery only work for the surface because of that very cable I linked.
Thanks for the response.
I've read through everysingle page of that thread and it still hasn't solved my issue.
I can't import other chargers or I would that's why i'm asking someone who is technical and knows how voltage and stuff works etc could help me out.
The surface pro battery life is horrendous and i'm thinking of exchanging it if I can't get a proper answer.
For me, it lasts 2 hours full brightness only youtube, browsing the net which is appalling
EDIT: As for the product I linked that is coming from China, that produt has many good testimonials and if you read the thread you linked me you will see.
External battery only work for the surface because of that very cable I linked.

If the answer you're looking for isn't in that thread you should post your question probably there - those who might know the answer will probably be following that thread. But I wouldn't expect an immediate answer - and what's the rush? Be patient and you may find your answer.

If you just need youtube and Internet, you could potentially get away with just a Surface RT/Surface2 - which should solve your 'horrendous' battery life issue. Several devices when at full brightness don't last long - power management is your friend. My Surface Pro usually lasts me at least 4 hours, sometimes 5. Just a tip.

Lastly - sometimes you figure this stuff out by being the first to purchase and then come back to provide feedback to the rest of the community on whether it worked or not. There a lot of things that "should" work in this world but sometimes just don't. I've searched ab it myself for an external power source, and then since the announcement of the power cover thought I'd wait a little longer. If you do stick with the Surface Pro and go with your proposed solutions - please follow back up in that thread I linked to as I follow it myself for solutions.
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Sorry if I come of as 'impatient' but the deal is taht I have university started in under 2 weeks and I need this stuff sorted ASAP.
I will post my question as per your recommendation.
Youtube and other sites will be of no use as I live in a country where they will not allow imports of external battery packs or I would have never faced this issue in the first place.
It's fine - i understand your need is time sensitive, just know that this isn't the most active forum out there (meaning you may or may not get a response to a question in 24 hours, some of us have nothing better to do on some nights though :)).

well what are your needs - are you sure a regular Surface (non-Pro) won't do for you?

Good luck!
Maybe I can help too reading more into what you're trying to do.

If I'm reading it correctly - I don't know that the High Performance Tablet Charger has enough output. All other chargers I see for the surface pro output at least 45w (12v 3.6a) - I think it's watts = amps x volts.

That tablet charger your looking at only produces about 5V output, 2000mA (2amps) - which is only 10w (if I'm doing this correctly) - and if that's the case it's not nearly enough. That's enough for something like an iPad or iPod, iPhone too probably - but not enough for even the Surface RT.

Hope this helps - and I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong. But it seems like you need an even bigger battery output.

Note that you CAN charge a Surface Pro with a Surface RT power supply - it's very slow to charge but I use it on my desk at home where it's not important to charge fast and I keep the more powerful charger in my bag for when I'm on the go and short charge times are critical. So if you find something that can get up to 24W (ability of the Surface RT charger) you may be able to make something work.
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Hey thanks a lot for the response and thank you for investing your time to help me out.
I'm not too familiar with the whole concept of voltage output that's why I needed a helping hand (lol).
Well it seems like according to your theory that the charger I linked will not work with the surface well that seems likes a bummer.
No idea what to do from this point on but thank
How much does the output have to be? Or in other words if I do look for an external battery pack, what will it need to say so I can buy it in terms of the voltage and stuff etc? Provided I have a surface pro etc.
Thanks heaps!