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I went to find out where I could check out a Surface in real life (live in NZ) but it appears some genius at MS HQ decided that you you can only purchase online. I don't have a spare (approx) NZ$800 to just throw at a device I've never seen and don't know if it will work for me. I dislike the inability to add USB devices to the iPad and its inability to multitask but WTF were they thinking:mad::mad:??? The Xmas shopping period when they could potentially make a killing (lota people like me want more from their iPads) and you can't get your hands on it!! I predict the Surface is going to go the way of MS Flight if they don't do something fast!
He is in New Zealand, which like the rest of us, does not have the pop-up stores. Heck, we don't even have an online shop in the Philippines. But there are grey market sellers already. Maybe that's an option?
I went to find out where I could check out a Surface in real life (live in NZ) but it appears some genius at MS HQ decided that you you can only purchase online. I don't have a spare (approx) NZ$800 to just throw at a device I've never seen and don't know if it will work for me. I dislike the inability to add USB devices to the iPad and its inability to multitask but WTF were they thinking:mad::mad:??? The Xmas shopping period when they could potentially make a killing (lota people like me want more from their iPads) and you can't get your hands on it!! I predict the Surface is going to go the way of MS Flight if they don't do something fast!

I agree, if MS wants this product to succeed, they need to get the device out in the open so folks can see how cool the thing is. I know MS is bringing the device to non-ms stores in the next few days here in the US, not sure of the release schedule elsewhere.
I agree too, but I ordered mine and got it yesterday and have zero regrets.

Just look at it this way, the Surface is essentially the tablet to set an example for the OEMs, it has a premium build with premium materials.

If you go and check out the ASUS VivoTab RT or Dell XPS10 or any other Win RT based tablet, those will be "functionally" the same. But the MS Surface will have a better build and the built in kickstand which is awesome.

So if you like the VivoTab RT or Dell XPS10 (I'm sure there are others), then you will be even happier with the Surface.