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Closing Type Cover - billions of issues


Hi there,
I have recently posted that the latest firmware (Feb2014) killed my SP2 because suddenly I had fans on at power on, BSODs, and so on.
I then thought I fixed it by re-installing the type-cover driver. It really looked good.

Now I'm having not the same, but very similar issues again. Probably they were never gone, I just didn't notice:
in short, powering off (and on) with the type cover never works properly. I get all sorts of issues like fans on for 5sec, then nothing, then it needs a cold-start. When I fold the cover to the back and put it on a metal surface, it powers the device off, must be some magnetic problem.
Working with the device, closing the cover and continue work later just DOES NOT WORK. I'd tend to say never.
The event log doesn't show the same issues as before I re-installed the driver, but the symptoms are almost identic.

I think I have forgotten, if it at any point in the past ever worked properly, so I'm asking: are there people around here who do this successfully on a regular basis: in the middle of work, close cover, continue where you've left 1 hour later by just opening the cover and pressing the on button (or should opening the cover even be enough?!? Don't think so, right?)
This must be an isolated issue involving your particular Surface Pro 2. Otherwise, this forum would be absolutely buzzing with it. Have you ran this by the Microsoft tech support guys yet? It would be interesting to hear what they would tell you about this.
I have heard of a person being accident prone ; but being bad device prone? On the surface it is certainly more than just an undesirable trait.:sorry:
The fact that it shuts down when put on a metal surface makes me think of an electrical short. That is not normal. Does it shut down without the type cover attached when placed on a metal surface? Without more information I'm guessing either a defective surface or a defective cover.
I have heard of a person being accident prone ; but being bad device prone? On the surface it is certainly more than just an undesirable trait.:sorry:
Oh yes, one can be, and I AM. My more recent history is
- a MacBook Pro which worked just "bad", not broken, but all sorts of issues no fanboy apparently ever had
- my company Dell XPS 13, had a funny defect where the display would flicker every now and then. It was so rare I had to film it with my cellphone to show it to the Dell technician. Needed MoBo replacement.
- the Targus docking station for said XPS 13 stopped working as display-link and network device, worked only as USB hub
- and several things I've bought in my live "dead on arrival"

So, I'm indeed prone to defect devices and even worse, to those defects which aren't easy to demonstrate. However, until now I was always right about it, not imagining things. Reapir/replacement and they were fine.
However, my current SP2 worked more or less fine until the Feb firmware. Strange.

Regarding my actual question - I really don't know for sure, if it ever worked to close the cover and continue 2hrs later, I usually don't do that. I close everything before I power something down or put it in stby. But I take from your comments that it works for you, doesn't it?

This must be an isolated issue involving your particular Surface Pro 2. Otherwise, this forum would be absolutely buzzing with it. Have you ran this by the Microsoft tech support guys yet? It would be interesting to hear what they would tell you about this.
Calling MS means getting another exchange. Apart from the first botched FW they never confirmed that there is ANY known issue with the SP2. They just exchange it. That's generous, but I'd prefer a working device.

The fact that it shuts down when put on a metal surface makes me think of an electrical short. That is not normal. Does it shut down without the type cover attached when placed on a metal surface? Without more information I'm guessing either a defective surface or a defective cover.
Nope, it must be an issue with the magnetic switch. I use the SP2 for reading sheetmusic for rehearsal. When I put it on the metal stand, it shuts down with reason "cover" in the event log. If I put it to a non magnetic stand, it's fine. That issue is also new. Maybe not 100% related to the Feb FW, but it worked always before.
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Regarding my actual question - I really don't know for sure, if it ever worked to close the cover and continue 2hrs later, I usually don't do that. I close everything before I power something down or put it in stby. But I take from your comments that it works for you, doesn't it?


Yes I have been fortunate in that regard. Outside of an occasional "glitch" which I can deal with, it has been reliable.
Oh yes, one can be, and I AM. My more recent history is
- a MacBook Pro which worked just "bad", not broken, but all sorts of issues no fanboy apparently ever had
- my company Dell XPS 13, had a funny defect where the display would flicker every now and then. It was so rare I had to film it with my cellphone to show it to the Dell technician. Needed MoBo replacement.
- the Targus docking station for said XPS 13 stopped working as display-link and network device, worked only as USB hub
- and several things I've bought in my live "dead on arrival"

So, I'm indeed prone to defect devices and even worse, to those defects which aren't easy to demonstrate. However, until now I was always right about it, not imagining things. Reapir/replacement and they were fine.
However, my current SP2 worked more or less fine until the Feb firmware. Strange.

Regarding my actual question - I really don't know for sure, if it ever worked to close the cover and continue 2hrs later, I usually don't do that. I close everything before I power something down or put it in stby. But I take from your comments that it works for you, doesn't it?

Calling MS means getting another exchange. Apart from the first botched FW they never confirmed that there is ANY known issue with the SP2. They just exchange it. That's generous, but I'd prefer a working device.

Nope, it must be an issue with the magnetic switch. I use the SP2 for reading sheetmusic for rehearsal. When I put it on the metal stand, it shuts down with reason "cover" in the event log. If I put it to a non magnetic stand, it's fine. That issue is also new. Maybe not 100% related to the Feb FW, but it worked always before.

I think you should become an AMISH person and move to an amish farm! Because it's pretty obvious your not cut out for electronics LOL

Oh yes, one can be, and I AM. My more recent history is
So, I'm indeed prone to defect devices and even worse, to those defects which aren't easy to demonstrate. However, until now I was always right about it, not imagining things. Reapir/replacement and they were fine.
However, my current SP2 worked more or less fine until the Feb firmware. Strange.

Unless you are doing some thing(s) horribly wrong--highly unlikely--you've had really bad luck (of the draw) indeed. IOW rare, random occurrences do occur. To your credit, you've not tried to "explain" the strangeness of the juxtaposed events.

Not suggesting any answers to these questions, but they should be asked: how sure is it that the onset of SP2 issues aligns with installing the Feb updates? How certain is it that the bad SP2 behaviors were caused by Feb updates? Could it be coincidence?

Regardless of how it got to be the way it is, you've described very serious difficulties, and quite clear your SP2 is grossly malfunctioning.

Calling MS means getting another exchange. Apart from the first botched FW they never confirmed that there is ANY known issue with the SP2. They just exchange it. That's generous, but I'd prefer a working device.

Better to suffer the pangs of exchange than endure the pain of a defective "device".

(Been there, still getting through it. The drill: assure current backups of data/config files, recreate file system structure, reinstall a hundred apps, etc...)

Nope, it must be an issue with the magnetic switch. I use the SP2 for reading sheetmusic for rehearsal. When I put it on the metal stand, it shuts down with reason "cover" in the event log. If I put it to a non magnetic stand, it's fine. That issue is also new. Maybe not 100% related to the Feb FW, but it worked always before.

Nature's Lemon Law: "Messed up machine" == "acidic yellow citrus fruit"
I think you should become an AMISH person and move to an amish farm! Because it's pretty obvious your not cut out for electronics LOL

<Funny Picture>

Close to the bone.

Live on a steep hill. Snow/ice -> power-outage-for-a-week.

Computer Withdrawal Syndrome. Serious stuff...
You should like in Canada... under ground power lines.
Costs more, but you don't need to repair the wire every now and then, and post maintenance, and all that, resulting, in the long run, a better more cost saving feature.
Also, it keeps streets looking nice and clean, and not cluttered with wires everywhere.

But it's only worth it, if it snows a lot, where you get power outages often.
If it's less than once a year, then really not worth it.
Not suggesting any answers to these questions, but they should be asked: how sure is it that the onset of SP2 issues aligns with installing the Feb updates? How certain is it that the bad SP2 behaviors were caused by Feb updates? Could it be coincidence?

I didn't want to bore you with details...
Why I can be sure about the relation to the update is: it was standing on my office's desk, I did the update and after it was finished I closed the lid.
When I returned shortly after, I opened the cover, pressed the power button and there it was: the fans went on for a couple of seconds and nothing on the screen. Had to push buttons like forever to have it cold-started. That was when the issues started.
And I see it in the event-log that there are always several Type Cover driver issues. When I de-install that driver, the Feb.14 update appears again in the update list, so these must be related.

BTW: I LOVE re-installing computers. I'm maintaining PCs for all my relatives and I almost enjoy if they broke something, so I have something to fix (yes, I'm a pervert). But when it comes to the SP2, it appears just so pointless, it seems like fixing something which can't be fixed. However, since this time I seem to be alone with my issue, I might go for a replacement.
just hit the windows logo on the Surface Pro 2 or key on the keyboard. That is what I do. Works every times. tap either, wait 1-2 sec, and the system will be on.
I never press the power button, beside turning on the system (kinda like following a desktop experience, probably because I am used to that), so maybe that is why I don't experience what you are experiencing.
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