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Can I use surface pro as a music player on the road ,and not burn it?


I'm a windows fans, but use iPod iPad all the times, 2011 got a Mac air, rarely use. I always want to change my iPad to surface pro, because surface pro can do everything that iPad can't . iPad sever as a music player very well ,just put it in my bag, connect to my BT headphone, that's it, very easy. So this is very important for me, can I put surface pro in the bag, and play music with my Bluetooth headphone, will it get too hot in the bag? Thanks.

You have to remember that the Surface Pro is still a PC so it has a fan and need to vent. With that said, I'm not sure if streaming LOCAL music through Bluetooth can be consider CPU intensive so the fan might not even kick in. In my opinion (take it with a grain of salt), there will be heat but I don't think it will be significant. Something else to consider though.. on my SP1, I can't turn off the screen by pressing the power button and have it continue streaming music since it put it to sleep instead. Yes, I can configure my screen to turn off after 1 minute of inactivity but that's just annoying when I want to do actual work the rest of the time. I heard SP3 support connected standby so I'm interested to see if this is possible. Something to look out for.
Streaming music over Bluetooth won't set the fan off... the only thing that seems to do so on mine is multiple YouTube videos running and installing updates. Oh and strangely, screen savers!
Well, my SP2 would sometimes wake from sleep on it's own (I shut it down now), no cpu load, and would be really hot when took it out of it's sleeve. Maybe if it's loose in the bag, not in a sleeve, it would not be terrible. On the other hand, my iPad gets really hot when it's in it's sleeve and on.
Well, my SP2 would sometimes wake from sleep on it's own (I shut it down now), no cpu load, and would be really hot when took it out of it's sleeve. Maybe if it's loose in the bag, not in a sleeve, it would not be terrible. On the other hand, my iPad gets really hot when it's in it's sleeve and on.

Right and that's most likely going to be the issue. The SP will probably decide to do a system update or run system maintenance or update adobe flash or do some other background task while in your bag and that will generate heat. You certainly could go through and find all those background services and disable them but good luck with that. Maybe going into airplane mode would prevent a lot of those tasks from going anywhere. I guess the good news is that is should probably shut itself off if it does get too hot.