I just received my 128 Surface Pro. What is the best way to learn it? I do not see a manual or any detailed instructions enclosed with it. Is better to learn Win 8 first or just jump in and struggle through? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
There are plenty of videos on youtube that will teach you the basics on using the new modern interface on Windows 8. Check them out. It is actually quite easy to learn
Try this, swipe the charms bar over from the right, hit search, type windows 8 and than tap the windows store. you will find a lot on there- apps - you can download right to your tablet.
Learn the basic touch gestures first and how they interact with the metro interface, apps, etc.. It's not too complicated and the guide will cover all the important info you will need to enjoy it.
Not entirely comfortable with win 8 yet but I am going through it a little at a time. Just purchased $2.99 pdf file from PC World. It covers basics of win 8. So far, I am still thrilled with my 128 Pro.
This Old Dog did learn a lot with the help from the Forum members. My neurons were firing on all cylinders. I feel pretty comfortable using the Pro now. Now I need to find out from Verizon Wireless how I can get 3g wifi connection for my multiple devices. Thanks again to all for directing me t the right resources.