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Battery life poor: machine not turning off


New Member
I have a SPro 6, running Windows 10 Home version 1803. The main issue I have with it is that it doesn't turn off, which means that unless I'm very careful and shut it down myself, it stays on and uses battery power, even though the power settings are set to sleep after 5 minutes.

This morning I placed it (with keyboard cover attached) and on full charge, in my bag for transport to work. I took it out to use it five hours later, to find the screen still on and blazing away, the machine very hot to the touch, and half the battery charge used.

How do I force the Surface to obey its own settings regarding battery life? And keep it cool? Thank you!
Actually, think I've found it: running "powercfg -requests" in an admin shell revealed the existence of running malware, which I have deleted with Malewarebytes. Which brings me to another question: what is the best free anti-malware software? Thanks again.
I've had good luck with AVG and Super Anti spyware.
! Have a Pro 4. Please tell me how to run powercfg. Because, even though my machine shuts down, the battery is fully discharged after a couple of days. Maybe this will help
Actually, think I've found it: running "powercfg -requests" in an admin shell revealed the existence of running malware, which I have deleted with Malewarebytes. Which brings me to another question: what is the best free anti-malware software? Thanks again.

It depends. Personally, Windows Defender is enough of an ACTIVE (runs all the time in the background scanning for infections) virus scanner for me. However, if I need to remove something that Defender didn't get, then I use Malwarebytes to clean it out, but I don't use the Malwarebytes active background scanner as it would be useless unless I completely disable Windows Defender.

Super Anti Spyware is good as well. If you need to REALLY get a virus out tho, ComboFix is the last resort if you ask me.