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arc touch mouse and wifi


I use the arc touch mouse with my SP3. No usb dongle so must be blu tooth I guess. Noticed it doesn't work when I connect SP3 via ethernet cable and turn off wi fi via air plane mode. Is this normal? Thanks for any info
Airplane mode turns off bluetooth, no different to on a phone.

If you need to disable wifi when connected via ethernet then just disable the connection in network and sharing centre->change adaptor settings (i've been on win 10 so long that i am hazy, but i think that's the location)
Airplane mode turns off bluetooth, no different to on a phone.

If you need to disable wifi when connected via ethernet then just disable the connection in network and sharing centre->change adaptor settings (i've been on win 10 so long that i am hazy, but i think that's the location)
thanks so much, airplane mode = no blutooth. Will try leaving wi fi on when hooking to ethernet. thanks again
thanks so much, airplane mode = no blutooth. Will try leaving wi fi on when hooking to ethernet. thanks again

I experienced the same moment of revelation not too long ago. I use a bluetooth keyboard but use the onboard bluetooth instead of the usb dongle and hit airplane mode simply as a means of resetting the wifi, and lost the keyboard so had to get up off the couch and turn airplane mode back off.
thanks so much, airplane mode = no blutooth. Will try leaving wi fi on when hooking to ethernet. thanks again
No, you don't need to keep your wifi on while connected to ethernet. If you turn it off your bluetooth mouse will continue working, same as mine does.