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Anything solid on the Next Generation?


Active Member
Anyone have any good links with Solid and real-world information on the next generation Surface Devices? If they were launching with 8.1 (Nokia), should there not be more press already? I am ready to throw another grand at a Microsoft device that doesnt suck.

I had a good customer service experience, no, a truly EXCELLENT experience. I have, to date ( and I am in my 40's), not had a better outcome with customer service. I really need to sit down and write the two guys at MS Online Customer Support a nice email thanking them for the best experience that any customer could expect. Based on these experiences I feel comfortable giving MS another shot.

Anyway, if you have solid links I would love to read more, but dont seem to be finding much on my own today. In fact I am a little angry that I am not finding more on the subject at this stage.
Unfortunately, those who would know can't say as they either work on the Surface Team or are under NDA Blackout...
Jeff --

You're probably not old enough to remember Adam Osborne's foot-in-mouth escapade. After considerable success with the Osborne 1, a luggable computer, he boasted publicly about the slick new features of the next model -- and destroyed the sales of his current model. Also destroyed his company. That is the sort of lesson that is better learned by watching than doing.

Take care,

Jeff --

You're probably not old enough to remember Adam Osborne's foot-in-mouth escapade. After considerable success with the Osborne 1, a luggable computer, he boasted publicly about the slick new features of the next model -- and destroyed the sales of his current model. Also destroyed his company. That is the sort of lesson that is better learned by watching than doing.

Take care,


I would say this argument had some validity but seeing that they just admitted that sales for the current units are DISMAL and that they wrote down 900 million in spare inventory while slashing pricing, talking about the next models might be the best thing they could do. Esp given all the hardware manufacturers fleeing the RT platform outright. Back late last year when people were speculating already about the Surface Pro 2 and an Oct 2013 release time frame, I said then that given Microsofts track record we should expect the SP2 in March 2014. It looks like I might actually be right about this one. Either way, I dont think they could do anything to make sales any worse than they already are at this stage of the game. F'in up by the numbers.

Maybe what Microsoft needs it more commercials with dancing hipsters to sell the current models?
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Regardless, we know or its said that up until the recent major markdown , pro models greatly outsold RT models. Now if there's talk on new RT models, what makes people think there won't be a new pro model? Especially when the pro sold decent numbers compared to RT models. There willbe new versions of both.o Just watch and see..lol

I will likely get both new models eventually. As I'm still loving the current pro model. I'm anxious for 8.1 upgrade.
james079 on Sep 2, 2013
Paul is Microsoft keeping Surface 2 development top secret just as it did with Surface 1.0 ?

on Sep 2, 2013

They are trying to. Let's just say that some of us know exactly what is coming. And are concerned.