First, how does one access the original video driver's Control Panel in Microsoft's Surface Pro (SP)? I thought it was Cltrl/Alt/F12, but nothing comes up.
Has anyone come out yet w/a tuned Intel video driver specific for the HD4000 in the SP, which allows more video settings and tweaks for gaming and/or graphic applications. Something more on the order of what Nvidia/AMD puts out w/their drivers? I know the HD4000 has it's limitations, so every little thing helps. I'm sure there's got to be some employees who work at Microsoft doing things w/their own personal SP's, and tweaking the drivers for some improvements. It would be great if Microsoft would release, or offer them, in order to get ever bit of performance out of the product. Maybe something also for extending the battery life a little more as well.
Intel seems to only release basic drivers for their products, vs. what Nvidia/AMD do w/theirs.
With Razer coming out w/their Edge/Pro gaming tablets, it would be nice if Microsoft made some improvements to their SP. Of course Razer has the advantage w/the added Nvidia graphics chip
First, how does one access the original video driver's Control Panel in Microsoft's Surface Pro (SP)? I thought it was Cltrl/Alt/F12, but nothing comes up.
Has anyone come out yet w/a tuned Intel video driver specific for the HD4000 in the SP, which allows more video settings and tweaks for gaming and/or graphic applications. Something more on the order of what Nvidia/AMD puts out w/their drivers? I know the HD4000 has it's limitations, so every little thing helps. I'm sure there's got to be some employees who work at Microsoft doing things w/their own personal SP's, and tweaking the drivers for some improvements. It would be great if Microsoft would release, or offer them, in order to get ever bit of performance out of the product. Maybe something also for extending the battery life a little more as well.
Intel seems to only release basic drivers for their products, vs. what Nvidia/AMD do w/theirs.
With Razer coming out w/their Edge/Pro gaming tablets, it would be nice if Microsoft made some improvements to their SP. Of course Razer has the advantage w/the added Nvidia graphics chip