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Any Happy SP3 users?


Active Member
This forum can sometimes turn into a hate Surface and MS rant. I've been on this forum through the SPro, then SPro2, and now SP3. With each release, naysayers have always come out in force. You'd be surprised at how many issues, imaginary or not, have been posted in this forum. Crappy device. Awful benchmarks. Too hot. Bluescreens. Idiot MS employees. Two month return nightmares. Exchanges that (surprisingly) had the exact same problems as the original. Three times even. On and on. We've even had 'I can say without a doubt' predictions that there would never be a Spro2. There's even a 'MS finally killed the Surface' thread just 3 days after the SP3 release. Wow, tough crowd here.

Through it all, I've maintained a positive attitude simply because I was thrilled with the Surface concept. Having used other tablets in the past, I finally had the perfect device. A real tablet that is also a computer. These other solutions came close, but they were laptops first, tablet second. Plus they were heavy and awkward.

fonz tablets.jpg

Now the SP3 is out. It took everyone by surprise. When I saw the new SP3 form factor, this was even better than the SPro2, IMHO. Larger screen. Thinner. Lighter. Even better battery (still up in the air, I must admit). This was closer to what my old, heavy laptop convertibles were. And, having used it for the last 5 days, I like it even more. It does what I want for my work and play. And I simply do not have the major problems that others seem to have. Don't know why. Maybe I'm just lucky. But I've been lucky 3 times now. No major issues with SPro, SPro2, and now SP3. Or maybe I don't try and see how far I can push the limits. I don't pretend that all the Surfaces have been perfect. But just that for me and some others, we've just had good luck.

So, if you're a happy SP3 owner also, give a shout. We can certainly use some positive energy in this forum.
I am loving mine. The battery is not quite what I want, but I am confident after a few firmware updates, everything will be good. Outside of that, I am loving this thing for school, it's making life so much easier, it's incredible. My only big gripe is chrome. Seriously, it sucks out all the power, it is shit with flash and I have to use IE to look at some ebooks and videos. But yes, I am very very happy
So far so good for me. I wanted to get a surface pro when they first came out but didn't pull the trigger due to my hands on at the MS store and bad reviews.
I must of seen and read every review on the Web and they all seem to say the same thing.... MS got it right this time. So I went out and purchased one on Monday and it's looking like I might have to sell my mac book pro and iPad air if I decide to keep this. I am really impressed. Lucky for me I have 45 days to before I have to return if I change my mind. It's a solid device and it looks like a game changer.
Me me me! I am a *very* happy SP3 owner. Seriously, I spent several hours at the Microsoft store testing out the demo units the day after they were released, and was in awe at what this thing could do. Like the above user, I was eyeing the Surface line since the original launched but they never quite had it right until now.

My productivity has increased so much. I was using the Asus Transformer TF101 before this. That thing got me through undergrad and half of graduate school, but it was time to move to something were I could write a word document and actually be able to change the margins... Haha.

Every time I use the Surface it's like ordering a Bento Box at a Japanese restaurant. It has a little bit of everything, and everything is just so delicious. It's the perfect device for someone who wants it all and isn't choosy. Feel like lounging in bed with a tablet? Check. Feel like keeping a document up on a digital display as I work? Check. Need a laptop? Check. Note taking by hand? Check.

Not only does it do all of that, but it does it with aplomb. I've had the Surface for five days now, and it has not slowed down, choked, crashed, BSOD'd, or anything. The fans are silent and the thing stays completely cool, as long as I'm not gaming. It is seriously impressive what this thing can do.

And the eye candy factor. People who don't know tech look at it and are amazed at how thin it is, and how unique it is with the kickstand. It is attention-grabbing.

I've been using computers for 20 years. I have a brilliantly powerful gaming PC and a 4k monitor to boot. It doesn't matter. Nothing comes close to my Surface Pro 3. Every time I open this little tablet, it's there for me. No fuss, no hassle. This is, hands-down, the nicest computing experience I have ever had.

(not to mention that Windows 8.1 is brilliantly designed when using touch -- this is something I did not have the opportunity to extensively use until I bought my SP3)
I love my SP3!!! I'm coming from the SP2, which I loved. I got to where I wanted something a little thinner and less weight though. Well we got that and a bigger screen to boot. Also so happy they went with the silver color which basically eliminates fingerprints on the back. I can't wait to see what Microsoft does to improve it via updates.
Love mine. Haven't had the first issue. This is the tablet I've been waiting for since they originally debuted over 10 years ago. It's exactly what I need and was looking for.
I'm happy. I had the original Pro but handed it down to my niece and I got the 3. I've never had the big problems I've read here that others have posted. My only 2 complaints are the pen not connecting continuously. I don't use it much so I haven't looked for resolution.

The one complaint that is definitely aggravating is the bluetooth wedge mouse that I prefer using. It seems to hibernate or disconnect if it's idle for a few seconds. It's difficult to get it in action after it does that. I seem to remember that I had the same problem with it on the 2 originally and then it stopped happening. An update maybe? I can't remember.

Otherwise, I couldn't be more pleased.
Happy here too.
Other than my phone, I do not use any other computing device any more. With the SP3 I have all the horsepower I need for Photoshop, creation of articles and presentations, and doing on-line research. Videos play beautifully on this machine.
While I don't personally have a Surface I now have 2 customers with the Pro 2 and 2 with the Pro 3, at my recommendation. All 4 are very satisfied and beyond the fact that they have needed some help navigating Windows 8, (they are a tad computer challenged anyway), they have been very pleased with their tablets, as have I. If I did get any negative comments it was on Windows not the tablet.

As an aside, the first SD2 user user was trying to get his Sonos WiFi sound system working and couldn't. When I asked if he had restarted, he said he hadn't figured out how. When he did, it suddenly started working. ;);)

2 of the users are CPAs and are pushing their tablets pretty hard with some CPA specific audit software. No problems.
Me me me! I am a *very* happy SP3 owner. Seriously, I spent several hours at the Microsoft store testing out the demo units the day after they were released, and was in awe at what this thing could do. Like the above user, I was eyeing the Surface line since the original launched but they never quite had it right until now.

My productivity has increased so much. I was using the Asus Transformer TF101 before this. That thing got me through undergrad and half of graduate school, but it was time to move to something were I could write a word document and actually be able to change the margins... Haha.

Every time I use the Surface it's like ordering a Bento Box at a Japanese restaurant. It has a little bit of everything, and everything is just so delicious. It's the perfect device for someone who wants it all and isn't choosy. Feel like lounging in bed with a tablet? Check. Feel like keeping a document up on a digital display as I work? Check. Need a laptop? Check. Note taking by hand? Check.

Not only does it do all of that, but it does it with aplomb. I've had the Surface for five days now, and it has not slowed down, choked, crashed, BSOD'd, or anything. The fans are silent and the thing stays completely cool, as long as I'm not gaming. It is seriously impressive what this thing can do.

And the eye candy factor. People who don't know tech look at it and are amazed at how thin it is, and how unique it is with the kickstand. It is attention-grabbing.

I've been using computers for 20 years. I have a brilliantly powerful gaming PC and a 4k monitor to boot. It doesn't matter. Nothing comes close to my Surface Pro 3. Every time I open this little tablet, it's there for me. No fuss, no hassle. This is, hands-down, the nicest computing experience I have ever had.

(not to mention that Windows 8.1 is brilliantly designed when using touch -- this is something I did not have the opportunity to extensively use until I bought my SP3)

You stole my thunder! I agree completely with everything that you said.

When I first saw the Surface 2, I was a bit skeptical, but when I researched more and found the SP2, I had to get one. I bought it and it worked perfectly and then a few weeks later, they announce the SP3 which was an answer to the issues that I was concerned with the SP2 - bigger screen and more flexibility with the kickstand (which was already very cool). I returned the SP2 and waiting in anticipation for the SP3. I didn't even get a chance to see one physically in the store before it arrived via pre-order, but after gawking and reading every review I could find online, I was already very pleased with it.

The bigger screen is awesome and the fact that it is much thinner and lighter than the SP2 is amazing. One HUGE thing I like about the SP3 is that they went away from the black vapormg finish that was SUPER fragile and went to the Surface 2 finish which seems to be much more durable and scratch friendly.

This replaces my work laptop and is as smooth as the SP2 in terms of speed and usability. I haven't tested the battery life out yet, but will today as I'll just run off battery all day at work.

There are always going to be little bugs to handle as early adopters, but these will get sorted out. I am VERY pleased with the hardware and the new form factor!
Love my Surface. Had a Pro 2, now I have the Pro 3. I find that if I don't start looking at faults and just use the thing for what it's meant to do, everything works great.
I work in Corporate Telecom Sales. Everytime I visit a client and pull out my Surface Pro, we end up spending the first 10 minutes discussing it instead of discussing what I was there to discuss.
Add me to the list of very happy owners. I've moved up from SP1 and feel MS got everything right on this device. At first I didn't think I wanted a SP3 because of the increased size but the thinness and light weight have won me over. It really has replaced my iPad and can do so much more. The only thing I wish for now would be a "smart cover" type of case.