
  1. H

    HELP: No Wi-Fi networks found

    I'm at my parents' house, and my Surface Pro 3 in unable to detect any wi-fi networks. It never had this problem in my own home. And my other devices (phone, other laptops, etc) can detect a whole list of nearby networks, and connect to my parents' just fine. But for some reason, my SP3 can't...
  2. L

    Lose network connections when locked.

    Seems like no matter what power option I tweak, I always lose my network connections when I lock my tablet. I have an SP4 with a docking station. I use the ethernet port in the docking station as well as 2 USB ethernet dongles connected to a usb hub that is connected to the docking station. I...
  3. B

    Wake on Lan Surface Pro (2017)

    Hi there! Is there a way to make WOL working with the Surface Pro (2017) ? I have the Surface Dock and the USB3.0 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter but am not able to get it working. I tried the steps MS suggests. (Installing the SurfaceWOL.msi from Surface Tools for IT) (Wake On LAN for Surface...
  4. L

    Network - Bluetooth issues Surface Pro 3

    Hi Today. My Sculpt Wireless Mouse stopped working. I then found that my network/intenet connection had stooped also. Searching around, all avenues said no network card found. After several attempts (about 6 times), shut down - wait - restart, I managed to get started again to this point. During...
  5. H

    SP4 - scanning on a network

    I have a desktop with W10 and a SP4 also with W10. I can use the printers connected to my desktop on the SP4 a HP laser and an Epson Photo printer but not the Epson scanner V370. I installed the drivers from Epson but no way to detect the scanner on the SP4. Is this normal... I will appreciate...
  6. R

    Travelling with the Surface 3 - Lessons Learned

    The Surface 3 is the perfect size for travel. It is thin and light enough to fit in a carry-on bag. It has everything that I need in a computer while I travel for a year with my family. Like most devices the Surface 3 has an on-board WiFi network adapter. This is just what you want when you are...
  7. G

    slow wireless network download speed

    My SP3 is running Windows 10. The transfer speed is very slow when I download a several hundred MB file from my network hard-drive to the SP3 with an 802.11n wireless router. (it sometimes starts with several MB/s then it quickly goes down to 355 KB/s or even 0 KB/s.) Upload speed from SP3 to...