
  1. S

    Surface pro 2017 pen inaccuracy issue

    I bought a Surface pro 2017 a few weeks ago and I realized that when my hand rests on the screen the pen is unstable and have weird inaccuracies i tried some tips and still nothing, anyone have a solution for this? the note taking this way is impossible
  2. Earth_2

    Jittering screen on Surface Pro 4

    I got my Surface Pro 4 about 3 months ago, and until a few days ago it has been working pretty much perfectly. However, within the last few days, I've had this really irritating headache-inducing problem where the bottom three-quarters of the screen jitters and shakes up and down slightly...
  3. T

    Poll More Pen options?

    Let's face it. Microsoft released a Professional product with an average pen/stylus. Problems with jitter, tapering, hover lag etc, makes Surface Pro 4 look weak for professional use by artists. They jitter especially is a known issue that becomes more apparent when drawing slowly. I did a...
  4. G

    N-Trig jitter is driving me nuts!

    Does anybody have a solution for the n-trig jitter when drawing slowly? i just dropped almost 4K on the Surface Book and was expecting it to work FLAWLESSLY. When i was testing it at the NYC MS store i didn't notice...but once i got home and started to try doing some real drawing work it REALLY...
  5. G

    N-Trig jitter is driving me nuts!

    Does anybody have a solution for the n-trig jitter when drawing slowly? i just dropped almost 4K on the Surface Book and was expecting it to work FLAWLESSLY. When i was testing it at the NYC MS store i didn't notice...but once i got home and started to try doing some real drawing work it REALLY...