bitlocker windows10

  1. T

    Bitlocker Disable - How to - UEFI - SP4

    I am building Surface Pro 4 machines for a business. Load the corporate image of Windows 10 Enterprise on the SP4. Image loads fine. Operating System looks fine. Run Windows Update. Updates install and system looks stable. Run "manage-bde -status" at a Command Prompt and it says "Used Space...
  2. B

    Bitlocker recovery key -failed to unlock

    Hi guys, I end up in basically locking my Surface 3 Pro (Windows 10) tablet because of bitlocker. Steps i have done : 1.Enable bitlocker for C: dirve (the only drive) and i choose to backup up the recovery key to microsoft online account. 2.Bitlocker asked for a preboot and asks me now for...
  3. S

    Keeps asking for Bitlocker Key

    Just this week, every re-star/start comes up with blue screen asking for BItlocker key. Which fortunately I have. But why does it do this - driving me mad ! Any suggestions. Last updates included 19/1/2016 firmware update - twice ! Help please.