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  1. R

    Solved Windows Live Mail and Surface

    Thank you very much to both of you. Greyfox has given me just the reassurance I needed and Orlbuckeye has provided some additional information which will be invaluable. Thank you again. Richard
  2. R

    Solved Windows Live Mail and Surface

    Any chance of a comment on my last para above please? Richard
  3. R

    Solved Windows Live Mail and Surface

    Thank you once again Greyfox. I've checked the Surface Tablet and find that it is Outlook that is being used for e-mail --- its icon is the reverse of an envelope shown in white on a blue background with no embellishments. Outlook 2013 is available for download from a button with this same...
  4. R

    Solved Windows Live Mail and Surface

    I've now tried a variety of options but with no success. I cannot even use the option in IE on the Surface to upgrade to Outlook 13 as it tells me it cannot find the source (I made sure to copy correctly all the information in Windows LiveMail properties about the in and out servers, the ports...
  5. R

    Solved Windows Live Mail and Surface

    Thank you to both of you. Grey Fox raised as many questions as he answered but the research was really worthwhile. Orlbuckeye has prompted me try something new along the lines he suggested but I'm afraid I'll have to leave this for a day or two as I have a funeral to attend and a number of...
  6. R

    Solved Windows Live Mail and Surface

    I have Office and Home Student 2013 on my main desktop PC with Windows 7 64it. This uses Windows Live Mail as its e-mail system and until 10 July allowed sent and received messages (from whichever of these three machines) to be seen on both my Android Phone (Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge and EE) and my...
  7. R

    OneDrive = Half Drive

    Thank you Wayne. Whether I choose On or Offline the result remains as I described in my previous post. Richard
  8. R

    OneDrive = Half Drive

    OneDrive is already an App on my Surface and I have also installed it on my Windows 7 PC. Files I upload on my Surface appear on the OneDrive menu on my PC but I am then unable to amend these on the PC (the amendments don't show when the item is opened on the Surface). In the same way, when I...
  9. R

    Stopped Using Keyboard

    Yes, I love my Surface as well but I couldn't do without the Type Cover because it's so convenient and easy to use (like using a keyboard with a PC in fact) and leaves plenty of space on the screen which would be lost if I used the screen keys. I also use the kickstand a lot whether working on a...
  10. R

    Outlook for Windows RT?

    I have to say I find primitive when compared with Windows LiveMail which I have installed on my main PC and resented having to add an account just to allow me to synchronise with my Surface. LiveMail has many more bells and whistles on offer, not all needed by me but they...
  11. R

    Where have my People Gone?

    Sorry to have to tell you that my joy was misplaced! I have now found that, although all the contact names were transferred, only some of the accompanying details for each contact came with them. It was not consistent in that for some I had the e-mail address, for others the telephone number...
  12. R

    Where have my People Gone?

    Hi Sin, With a bit of trial and error I finally got my contacts to open under the People tile on the Surface. I had to sign in to on my PC and then went to the contacts list on Windows Live Mail where I used the Export tab and used .csv to save to My Documents. I then opened...
  13. R

    Where have my People Gone?

    Thank you so much Sin. That really is a most helpful explanation. The only other place I see my contacts is on my Android phone which is fully synched with Windows LiveMail on my PC. I shall certainly try what you suggest with but one question. You suggest opening a Live...
  14. R

    Where have my People Gone?

    Thank you, Sin. That's much clearer. Opening shows only the e-mails but not any contacts (very similare to my Surface Mail app in fact). Would downloading/using help in these circumstances? If not, it seems that I am not going to be able to see my contacts under...
  15. R

    Where have my People Gone?

    Hi Sin, The link I gave was to a Microsoft account. Perhaps I'm being a bit dense but do I need to make the connection to the Surface and, if so, how do I retain my current e-mail address? And does that mean I need not buy Outlook 2010? I have tried all the add account...
  16. R

    Where have my People Gone?

    Thank you, Sin. Yes the contacts do show up on the Web but, after searching the web even further, I've now come across this Get help with email problems which seems to suggest that I can only use on the Surface! If this is right I shall have to upgrade from Live Mail to...
  17. R

    Where have my People Gone?

    Can anyone help please? This is s-o-o frustrating. I've spent days trying to get it to work but with no joy. Richard
  18. R

    Surface Screen Angle

    I find it fine whether on a desk, my lap or a table (I'm 6ft. 3ins. by the way). As with any screen on a computer or a camera you have to be careful about the direction and strenght of the light source but, indoors at least, I have had no problems. Richard
  19. R

    Where have my People Gone?

    Thank you JP. The problem is that Windows Live Mail 2011 is already set up on the PC as my mail account. My android phone is synched to this and shows my contacts from Live Mail and allows a deletion or amendment on one to show up on the other but this doesn't happen on the Surface. Here I do...
  20. R

    Where have my People Gone?

    Sorry to say I'm still stumped and hope someone can come to my assistance. All I want is for the Windows Live Mail 2011 e-mail programme on my Windows 7 PC to synchronise with Mail and People on my SurfaceRT so that I can see the contacts repeated on the Surface whilst also allowing any...