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  1. Z

    Anybody else feel like a SP Beta tester for MS?

    So you are basically saying that I'm right and you're beta testing as well...?
  2. Z

    Thank you SP for sucking

    Seems to me somebody thinks he knows the situation when he doesn't have a clue. Sorry dude but I don't have time to write a novel for someone that will ultimately say "call tech support". I wasn't looking for your advice here. Ranting? Oh yes. Take it back? Can't, no MS store nearby. Tech...
  3. Z

    Thank you SP for sucking

    OK, so refresh doesn't work, reset doesn't work, repair doesn't work. None of the options work and now the SP is a freaking brick. Thank you for sucking balls, you're going to get returned b!tch.
  4. Z

    Thank you SP for sucking

    just ranting. Sick and tired of my SP, no more explain, just DESTROY! :yelling:
  5. Z

    Thank you SP for sucking

    Well I've had tons of issues with my SP and I've finally got irritated enough that I tried to refresh it just now and of course it failed. Now gotta save everything and do a reset. Hopefully it doesn't bomb itself in the process. Considering how its performed so far I'm going to prepare like it...
  6. Z

    Anybody else feel like a SP Beta tester for MS?

    YES! Someone else feels my pain! Here I was I thought I was on an Island with the only Surface PROblem child. I thought I was the only one that didn't have time for four hour install marathons! Sorry Rvacha, didn't mean to revel in your (our) misery. We need to start a support group or...
  7. Z

    How Microsoft Can Save Windows RT

    You guys are probably right. I'm just a little much jaded. I'll try a refresh this weekend and see how that goes. If I recall I had to do a fresh install shortly after getting vista as well.... (Ha! Just had to get one last jab in there! :LOL:)
  8. Z

    How Microsoft Can Save Windows RT

    Start button is the least of Win8's problems, who cares about the start button? MS should have just grabbed their balls and done away with the desktop side of the UI completely. You want examples of how much Win8 sucks? How about three BSODs within an hour of owning the SP. Daily BSODs...
  9. Z

    Problem with browsers on Surface Pro

    ^ are you serious? IE is supposed to have been built for touch. Guess what? Opening it up on the Metro UI actually just opens it up on the desktop...:crazy:
  10. Z

    How Microsoft Can Save Windows RT

    I agree with the article. Let's be honest here, Win8 sucks balls on par with Vista. Don't get me wrong, it has its team AWESOME moments but it has a lot more WTF moments, and the team AWESOME moments just serve to make the WTF moments all the more F. Maybe the experience isn't so bad on a...
  11. Z

    Problem with browsers on Surface Pro

    Change your screen settings in the desktop to be bigger by default.
  12. Z

    Anybody else feel like a SP Beta tester for MS?

    I have so many crashes (app crashes, program crashes, BSODs), intermittent hardware/software issues that I am this close *imagine me squeezing my fingers really close together* to returning this thing, but I really can't do that as its smack dab in the middle of the semester and I cannot afford...
  13. Z

    Just finished installing latest updates and got my first blue screen of death

    eh...I got BSOD within the first hour of owning my Surface...
  14. Z

    Surface Pro camera problem

    so how did you go about setting the destination folder?
  15. Z

    unable to take pics

    Seems now like I cant take any photos. I open up the camera app and click on the screen to take a pic. Then I get the error message: "Something went wrong while taking this photo." Not very helpful. Tried uninstalling and re-installing the app but still get the same error message. Checked device...
  16. Z

    fix for windows key being stuck on wake up

    Haven't contacted them yet. I was hoping to resolve the problem without their assistance. In the other thread it looks like they were just told to refresh the system.
  17. Z

    fix for windows key being stuck on wake up

    ahhh...WTF! now my freaking documents folder is "gone". Other than updating I haven't touched any settings since last using it. This is the error message I get when clicking on the Documents Library: "Documents.Library-MS" is no longer working. This library can be safely removed from your...
  18. Z

    fix for windows key being stuck on wake up

    Sorry, should have clarified, lol. I meant the windows key, like on the keyboard but its stuck on the computer. The keyboard itself is fine, but windows thinks the windows key is pressed. This is verified by opening up the onscreen keyboard during the login screen and it is "pressed"
  19. Z

    fix for windows key being stuck on wake up

    Just recently, past two days or so, my surface pro started getting all retarded. Seems like the windows key gets stuck whenever I wake it up from sleep. This is whether I have the type cover attached or not, before wake up, after wake up, dancing around the Surface while waving the keyboard in...