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  1. R

    Replacement Surface Pro 2 (Warranty)

    Just normal warranty, but it was an audio issue, so I was somewhat annoyed. It's not even so much that it was rejected, but the process that kills me. I just don't see how they ever expect to get better when they clearly don't understand lifetime value of a customer nor what it takes to play...
  2. R

    Replacement Surface Pro 2 (Warranty)

    I'm super disappointed. I just got my Surface back after a month and I open it to a note that says there was extensive damage that goes beyond the warranty. They had stickers that pointed to small scratches, one of which was the logo coming off the back! Are you fling kidding me? That thing was...
  3. R

    Desktop Internet Explorer 11 in Blue will include swipe navigation!

    HA! Seriously though, you know those people complaining about the start button are the same ones that have desktops that are lined to the hilt with icons, not a single open space. You're telling me they make a lot of use of the start button?
  4. R

    Xbox music update is solid

    Yeah, anything you add to your collection should always be available. I have things that randomly won't play at times though. I think it might actually be something going on with music on the SD card though. Restarting seems to help this.
  5. R

    Mail App Issues

    I have this problem not infrequently, but not consistently (which it sounds like is your problem), but I've had a lot of problems with it lately. The other day it took a full 60 seconds to load and then continued to crawl along for the next 60. A lot of people said after the last update things...
  6. R

    Take a look at this...

    This doesn't mean anything, plus it's edited. She clearly already knows more about iOS. The first thing she says is I thought this would be the power button because that's where it is on your iPad. I started the iPad one and she's not much better. The first time I used a Mac it was not clear...
  7. R

    Windows Phone support retirement announcement

    Wow, lots of discussion. I think part of my hesitation is just that it's so hard to be a fervent Microsoft user. It's like every time I see something new, I'm thinking oh god, they're gonna screw it up again. I feel like I'm always getting burned, WP7, Zune, I live my life in fear that they'll...
  8. R

    Windows Phone support retirement announcement

    I'm due for a new phone. I've been debating between a Windows phone and Android. Now I see this announcement and I have no idea what comes after WP8 nor what it might cost to upgrade. I guess I'm leaning towards Android now, partially because of the app situation. It doesn't bother me on the...
  9. R

    Bing App's Daily Picture

    Nice tip. I stopped using the Bing app, but I loved those pictures!!
  10. R

    Xbox music update is solid

    Ugh, yes please. I'm using Slapdash and I hate having to manually download and everything I used previously is not there. There's probably a better solution, but I'm too lazy to look.
  11. R

    Xbox music update is solid

    Okay, so this post illustrates one annoying thing that I've found, which is autocorrect, I think I'm going to have to turn it off. Re-index corrected to reindeer? I never really believed these weird autocorrect things, but now I find it happens to me all the time. Sorry to be off topic.
  12. R

    Xbox music update is solid

    I'm really happy with it. Support for sorting music is much better. It collapses the song list so there's way less scrolling to get to the end of lists. I can now play by genre, which I could not before. I have noticed fewer problems playing when the screen goes blank. My song count...
  13. R

    Windows Rt Stability Index Very Low Score

    I'm not sure this is entirely true though. Mine averaged around 5 with app crashes every day. It's when there start to be windows failures that it dips down to the ones. Several of these pictures show the same...though admittedly some don't. There must be some formula. Either way I think it's...
  14. R

    Windows Rt Stability Index Very Low Score

    This forum is so helpful. I refreshed this week, so mine doesn't have much data. It was high for a few days and now it's sitting pretty at 1. I have to say that mine feels like a one too. Often quite slow and frequent crashing. I can't upload a picture, but I have critical events every day for...
  15. R

    Better Music App Than XBOX?

    Okay, thank you! For anyone that used Zune, this is heartache. I remember the first time I couldn't do something on Zune's webpage and found out about the transition to XBOX music. I thought there were going to be quick improvements, but no. Microsoft seems to reward early adopters/faithful with...
  16. R

    Better Music App Than XBOX?

    I've been able to sort by genre, but not play by genre. If I click "Play All Music", it starts at the top (not the genre I want) and if I click on a song, it only plays that song. I feel like I'm about to have an oh, duh moment, but I must be missing something.
  17. R

    Better Music App Than XBOX?

    Is there a way to play all songs from a specific genre? I can't seem to figure this out. I'd like to shuffle all songs from a genre for some party background music.