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  1. E

    I Bricked my Surface! Woot!

    yup the standard process. I know i'm not the only affected user as i've slowly started to see similar posts popping up on other forums and MSoft pulling the update. It's all good though... used recovery and just a basic line in command prompt to rebuild the BCD, and the dual boot was simply...
  2. E

    I Bricked my Surface! Woot!

    so i got my recovery flash drive and got my surface repaired and all, except apparently im dual booting windows RT 8.1 and the 8.1 preview... hmmmm.
  3. E

    I Bricked my Surface! Woot!

    So apparently I'm not the only one with this issue, and per The Verge, Microsoft has pulled the RT 8.1 update due to this issue affecting users. At least Microsoft recognized the problem... I have my flash drives in the mail and hopefully they get here today and I can figure out which one has...
  4. E

    I Bricked my Surface! Woot!

    yea yea technicalities. It only turns on half the time, and goes straight to the blue screen. If only my recovery USB wasn't at home in LA, while I'm at school in Tucson. I guess I'll have to create a new recovery flash drive and attempt to fix it that way. If that's a no go, then I'll report...
  5. E

    I Bricked my Surface! Woot!

    Alrighty y'all, I bricked my Surface. Am I proud? Hell no. But I did. Sooo I need some advice. Essentially, I was upgrading from Windows RT 8.1 Preview to the final version that came in as an update in the Windows Store. No problems there, right? Everything goes well, gets through all the...
  6. E

    Heat shutdown on RT

    have had the problem once before... granted I live in Tucson and we get a lot of sun and heat. Learned fairly quickly that having the Surface in direct sun on any kind of table that gets hot itself isnt the best idea.
  7. E

    Stylus for Surface RT

    a thread might exist... I looked through the accessories forum and found nothing but forgot to use search on the main forum before posting... damn midnight studying and posting haha. ive read great things about both on the verge. are you able to be accurate and write small with the bamboo? as...
  8. E

    Stylus for Surface RT

    Whats up y'all - long time lurker, first time poster. I've had my surface since the holidays, and despite the hate for winrt, I love my Surface. The one thing I am jealous of the Pro is the stylus they include - the one capacitive stylus I have (a $2 or $3 amazon stylus) worked like crap in...