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  1. Griff

    [GIVEAWAY] Pen, Sleeve and Micro SD

    OneNote, Skype, Twitter
  2. Griff

    Surface RT advice needed...

    LOVE my RT. It replaced my ipad and MacBook pro. I don't have any legacy apps, so that's not an issue for me. The Surface completely meets my needs and I use it constantly for work and entertainment.
  3. Griff

    Why don't people recognize the greatness of RT?

    I think there's a negative perception associated with RT that it's a neutered OS. Granted, RT is a series of compromises, but they're ones I've gladly made. For me, the lack of legacy apps is an easy trade off for a less bloated OS and tons of battery time. I thought I would like my Surface...
  4. Griff

    Shape and Size of the Surface

    There are compromises with everything. It's just a matter of whether or not this particular set of compromises fit your needs.
  5. Griff

    STILL no facebook and twitter official apps

    I'm trying to use the people hub for Facebook and Twitter, but it doesn't show me posts/tweets that are older than four or five hours. Am I missing some kind of setting? Is that just the norm?
  6. Griff

    [How to:] Optimize OneNote on Surface RT

    Thanks for the video! I've been looking around for ways to get more out of OneNote and this has been very helpful.
  7. Griff

    How to Download Music?

    I would, too, if the price were comparable. I'm using a free year of Xbox Music pass, but I doubt that I'll continue it when that is up. I think the music pass is worth it, but I just don't need any more subscriptions.
  8. Griff

    Surface Purchase Experience

    My mother-in-law was visiting during Christmas and decided to get a Surface after using mine for about five minutes. Like me, she really wanted to like her iPad, but needs to be able to get work done on her tablet. On a side note, I really hate that Best Buy has turned into this. Ten years...
  9. Griff

    Merry Christmas to All

    Merry Christmas to you and yours, too!
  10. Griff

    How's the Touch Cover's touchpad?

    I went from a MacBook Pro to the Surface & touch cover. I'm a pretty heavy Office user and the touch cover's track pad is just fine. I've never felt the need to use a mouse with my Surface.
  11. Griff

    Surface RT for work use

    I use it for work every day: Word, OneNote, calendar, mail, SkyDrive, IE, etc.
  12. Griff

    A Tablet You Can Actually Do Work On

    Surface has allowed me to sell my MacBook Pro and iPad. I'm not bashing Apple... I loved both of those products, but I didn't like having a laptop for production/consumption and then an iPad for slightly more convenient consumption. Surface and SkyDrive actually make my life easier.... My wife...
  13. Griff

    Thought I Was Ready to Pull the Trigger, They Moved the Target

    I went with the 64gb and have been pleased with the touch cover (much more so than I thought I would). Although, I really hope that, in the future, MS sells each flavor of Surface without any kind of cover and then offers the different covers as add-ons. I bet that MS store employees get pulled...
  14. Griff

    I Can't Test Out the WINDOWS SURFACE :(

    I thought mine was bad being 90 min away. I wonder if any Surface owners/forum members are close to you.
  15. Griff

    Opinions (Based on Experience) Sought

    I got my Surface for many of the same reasons. I'm very surprised at how much I love it. I used to have a laptop and an ipad. I never really used the ipad since I would just use my laptop for web browsing, Netflix, etc. Since I got my Surface, I've been able to sell my laptop and ipad and...