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  1. J

    RT PIN Login

    This isn't on my Surface but on my windows 8 computer, but I thought I'd share: When I had the PIN pw function...sometimes after typing in my pin my lock screen would fly up (as its supposed to) but only to unveil a blank screen...with nothing available. I would have to hard restart my...
  2. J

    Hotkeys (for apps)

    Ok, so I've found the lists with most of the hotkeys for the surface...pulling up charms...settings..jumping to desktop..ect. My question, are their hotkeys (or a way to make them), to open a certain app. Specifically, I would like to be able to jump from Desktop (Windows + D) to my...
  3. J

    Burnt Pixel on screen....NOOOOOOOOOO!

    I've found more than one of what I believe to be dead pixels...I don't live near any Microsoft Stores...and bought my Surface in November- What can I do?
  4. J

    Calender Synch Across Windows 8 Devices

    The only things that were turned off under "synch your settings" was Personalize & Desktop Personalization, along with 'synch even when i'm roaming'. I turned all of these to ON and my surface background quickly changed to match my Computer...after closing and reopening the calendar on both...
  5. J

    Calender Synch Across Windows 8 Devices

    Ok. They're both linked to my Outlook, Gmail, Facebook, and Twitter Accounts...(not all are used for calendar) I'm currently in class on my surface and its set to share, I'll check my PC soon but I think it's set to share. Thanks for the help, I'll let you know!
  6. J

    Calender Synch Across Windows 8 Devices

    Both devices are connected to the internet and appointments made days ago aren't synching... :(
  7. J

    Calender Synch Across Windows 8 Devices

    I thought the calendar app stayed synchronous across devices...but all of my appointments I've made on my Windows 8 computer are not showing up on my calendar app on my Surface. Any thoughts? Help? I don't wanna miss events bc i'm not looking at the right device. Thanks Joe
  8. J

    MS Surface Phone

    I would love to see a cell phone made from the VaporMag material, I Really like it. Rumors like this make me more disappointed that the surface doesn't have NFC. However, while I love my PC, Surface, Zune, and Xbox...I don't know if I would leave my iphone...theres something to be said to...
  9. J


    I love wordament. so does my girlfriend. she got a surface today for Christmas. We're having trouble finding each other to be 'frienemies' we are xbox live friends but we don't show up in each others game rankings. any opinions or similar experiences?
  10. J

    Microsoft TapTiles

    I noticed that this is by Microsoft...but they also have the Majong(sp) app...curious as to why they'd have both, they're pretty similar games?
  11. J

    Bing App's Daily Picture

    WOW this is fantastic!! Thank you so much kulti, my dreams came true!
  12. J

    Bing App's Daily Picture

    I check out the Bing App every day on my surface just for the amazing photography they feature. One of the smallest yet coolest feature on the surface is ability to make any of these daily pictures your screen lock image! Just swipe up from the bottom in the Bing App and set as image, so neat...
  13. J

    App Removal

    I've uninstalled a couple of apps that I didn't want anymore...and while they're not listed in my apps, they are remembered by the Store and I'm offered updates for apps I no longer want. Is there any way to have these permanently removed? Its not a huge bother now, but down the line I don't...
  14. J

    Facebook touch is out now

    just opened on my Surface for the first time...and in my news feedback it had me 'liking' every single post. Every post on my news feed had the thumbs up with "you like this" I was so worried I closed Internet Explorer and check on my desktop, everything was...
  15. J

    Surface Pro Doesn't Include Office?!

    Yeah my girlfriend was considering a Pro as a laptop replacement and one of the key selling points was free Office...not any more...
  16. J

    Picture Password

    I think my school email address in the mail app requires the surface to have a password. I wouldn't have any at all...but the picture password is a faster alternative to typing in my password. I just have 3 identical taps to unlock.
  17. J

    Apple Magic Mouse w Surface

    Ah thanks for your help everybody. I guess thinking apple and microsoft would play nice is too good to be true. Maybe I'll sell my magic mouse and pick up one of those wedges...they just look so unappealing to me.
  18. J

    Apple Magic Mouse w Surface

    I sold my MacBook pro over the summer and recently replaced it with a Surface (yay!) I kept my Bluetooth Apple Magic Mouse cause its worth a good bit and I kinda like it. Good News: It works with the Surface Bad News: The touch scrolling, does not. Some links online say I need to...
  19. J

    Sad day yesterday... and its still going :(

    ...shoulda said you never got it in hopes they'd send you a second. :LOL:
  20. J

    HDMI Port on RT

    It is standard micro-HDMI. I bought a micro-hdmi to hdmi 6ft cable from amazon and it works wonderfully. I plug my surface into my HDTV and stream Netflix and Hulu onto my bigscreen...its honestly like a dream come true.