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  1. Y

    Sudden multiple problems: keyboard, mouse, internet

    UPDATE AND RESOLUTION: Finally got this resolved. Took the SP2 down to a MS Store and got a fix which was pretty simple. I'll post the fix here which I have not seen before and maybe this will save someone the problem of doing a full system reinstall. So, 1) if you completely lose wifi and...
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    Sudden multiple problems: keyboard, mouse, internet

    Well, did the Volume up and power trick but rebooting still results in that Marvell error. I really don't want to do a system reset because I'm thinking what's that going to do to prevent this from repeating a few months from now. Any current developments on the root cause of this error? I'm...
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    Add GPS to Surface Pro or Surface Pro 2

    Thought I'd put some closure on my last post. The good news is the BT-368, after 1st installation, connects with Here Maps all the time without the need to start the GPSDirect exe every time. I didn't do anything so I guess I didn't wait long enough for the BT-368 to connect up with Here Maps...
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    MS Surface Pro 2 Charger not upto the quality standards

    I agree with callihan_44 too. With 2 failures, I think you have to look at the SP2. No issues with my charger and I've owned it since March 2014.
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    Add GPS to Surface Pro or Surface Pro 2

    So I finally got the GPSDirect software installed using Com4 at 9600 baud. On the TurboIRC site, under the Windows tab, it says, "After installation, the executable is no longer needed except for testing.". What I'm finding is the BT-368 won't stay connected unless I specifically run the...
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    Can the lower power surface charger work on a pro?

    I was working with Surface tech support recently on my SP2. I asked if I could use the RT charger on my SP2. He said sure, but will only charge at 1/2 speed. He also said I could use the SP2 charger on my RT. Since I have both, I've used both chargers on either machines. No apparent issues...
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    Add GPS to Surface Pro or Surface Pro 2

    I have a BT-368 now and am trying to install the GPSDirect software. Couple of questions: 1). Device manager before install says I have Standard serial over Bluetooth link for Com3 and Com4. To install GPSDirect do I select another com port, like Com7? 2). Can I use IP? What's the IP...
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    Add GPS to Surface Pro or Surface Pro 2

    thanks, think I'll try a GlobalSat BT-368i
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    Add GPS to Surface Pro or Surface Pro 2

    Got a SP2. Do the BT GPS devices work with any of the Metro map apps like Here Maps or gMaps without mods? Or do I have to do a driver download? Thanks all!
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    SD and Micro SD Cards Going Offline (SP2)

    I had the similar symptoms as you with my SanDisk Ultra 64GB microSD card. Went through several formats over time to be sure to eliminate format issues but invariably always ran into problems when copying one or multiple files 2GB size or larger. Finally replaced card with SanDisk Extreme Plus...
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    AverMedia DVD EZMaker 7 issues

    well, I must be missing something here. The SP2 doesn't have a DVD so what are you trying to do with this device? I was drawn to this post because I do use the Avermedia TV stick. UPDATE: never mind, read the reviews. Looks like some people have problems with the install and the software...
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    External Hd or Micro sdcard

    hey @beq, did you run the numbers on a SanDisk Extreme Plus 64GB microSD on the SP2 SD slot?
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    What kind of speed copying to microSD card are you getting?

    @beq, nice, thanks for nice compilation
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    Best Buy protection plans for the Pro 3

    and don't you have to consider the deductible amount?
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    Surface Pro 2 - Still worth it?

    I got my SP2/512 in 4/2014 and I gotta admit, I got a little SP3 envy. Thinner and lighter for a small increase in width and length is what made me jealous. But I'm back to earth now. I spent too much to redo a SP3 purchase so soon. I'll wait for SP4. OTOH, if I have a warranty claim, I...
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    How do you do a Print Screen with a Type Cover?

    I can't test cuz I don't have 2 screens running now, but does Alt-Fn+spacebar (Alt-PrnScr) not work?
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    How do you do a Print Screen with a Type Cover?

    this is a nice little tool, thanks. I pinned to start and taskbar
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    How do you do a Print Screen with a Type Cover?

    Nice, thanks all. print screen straight to the screenshot folder is pretty cool. saves a paste operation.
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    How do you do a Print Screen with a Type Cover?

    What's the equivalent since there's no Prtscr key? TIA!