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  1. J

    SB2 15" and charge wattage

    wanted to apologize for not replying till now.. had to go out of town for a medical emergency. Once I'm aloud to go home I'll run the tests... if you find anymore info till then please keep me informed.. thanks
  2. J

    SB2 15" and charge wattage

    No worries, I'll get a 3d benchmark that is fully automated that's free also.. it needs to keep the same load avg for every test to get the base line so we shouldnt "play" the game, just need the background load for the power draw.. so in theroy I think to test the battery benchmark we just need...
  3. J

    SB2 15" and charge wattage

    IMO: We need to use the same game for an approximate baseline for a benchmark.. actually when I get home I'll see if I can find any stress test software that I can use that will emulate the same type of load for multiple tests.. After reading the reddit post this issue may be more of a larger...
  4. J

    SB2 15" and charge wattage

    I've got the 15" maxed out customization.. I'll download the software and do some tests and let you know the results.. do you want any info on power drain with load (ie: while running games) and of course I'll supply info on no load first.. I'll do this when I get home later. EDIT: Also I have...